The mayor of Mérida, Renán Barrera Concha was ranked number one in the performance ranking conducted by C&E Campaigns and Elections, the only one in the country that focuses on rating the performance of mayors based on the average citizen ratings of their work in garbage collection, street lighting, city maintenance, street maintenance, and investment attraction.
(Yucatán Quadratin).- The 60 most important cities in Mexico are included in this evaluation and, according to the ranking, the municipal president of Mérida, Renán Barrera Concha, obtained the best rating with 68 percent out of 400 non-robotized telephone interviews carried out in Mérida during the first two weeks of October.
Second place went to Luis Donaldo Colosio, municipal president of Monterrey with 67 percent, and third place to Romina Contreras of Huixquilucan, State of Mexico, with 66 percent.

The worst evaluated mayors, according to their performance, were, in 58th place, the municipal president of Acapulco, Guerrero, Abelina López Rodríguez with 33 percent; in 59th place, the mayor of Cuauhtémoc in Mexico City, Sandra Xantall Cuevas Nieves with 29 percent and the worst evaluated, is the mayor of Chilpancingo, Guerrero, Norma Otilia Hernández Martínez with 25 percent.
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