Governor Mauricio Vila Dosal recalled during the inauguration of the Second National Congress of Women Politicians Yucatán 2022 that together with the State Government they are working in favor of women. In Yucatán there is a fight in favor of women, which has generated good and sufficient results to address violence.
The event was attended by federal deputy Blanca María del Socorro Alcalá Ruiz, who recognized the work that the government of Mauricio Vila Dosal has done in this area, as well as the good practices for which Yucatán has distinguished itself.
Likewise, the feminist lawyer and founder of Fuerza Política Todas México, Patricia Olamendi Torres, thanked the Governor for his attention for this event, as well as because his Government has assumed the 3 by 3 initiative, promoting a more inclusive democracy that adds all voices.
During his presentation, the Governor recalled that Yucatán has a strong history of the role of women in politics, as it was the site of the first Feminist Congress in Mexico, in addition to the fact that a Yucatecan woman was the first Mexican woman to occupy a popularly elected position in 1923, the same year in which the state became the first in the country where this sector could exercise its vote for the first time and had the first local deputies of the Republic.
In the framework of the 69th anniversary of women’s suffrage in Mexico, Mauricio Vila pointed out that in Yucatán the 3 of 3 Law against violence was presented and approved so that those who have a history of gender violence cannot hold public office, modifications and reforms to laws on women’s rights have been promoted, and the Vicaria Law has been promoted for the healing of parents who exercise violence against their children to harm their partners.

She also recalled the projects that have been carried out in the interior of the state for victims of violence, creating safe spaces such as shelters, part of the Women with Safe Housing program, and the Early Feminicide Alert, which is a tool for assessing the risk of gender violence, and provides advice and support throughout the territory.
She added that new prevention programs and campaigns are being promoted, such as Ola Violeta, which seeks prevention and attention to violence, economic empowerment, and women’s health; as well as Community Promoters for Prevention, through which women will be trained and supported to replicate these actions in their communities.
En equipo seguimos transformando #Yucatán, junto con @PatyOlamendi, Fundadora de la Fuerza Política @TodasMx y la Diputada @SoyBlancaAlcala. ¡Bienvenidas a nuestro estado! (2/2)
— Mauricio Vila (@MauVila) October 17, 2022
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