Businessmen and workers in the industry foresee an occupation rate close to 100 percent after the pandemic.

Encouraged by the development of new construction projects, as well as the attraction of national and foreign investments, businessmen and workers in the construction industry foresee a last quarter of the year 2022 with an occupation rate close to 100 percent, so that the sector continues its path of consolidation in spite of the coronavirus pandemic.
Since the beginning of the second semester of the year, the construction industry in Yucatán began to have a better activity, with the biddings that the different agencies of the State Government launched for the development of works, both in Mérida and in the towns of the interior of the state.
Workers in this sector stated that expectations for the last months of the year are quite positive since bids are currently being published for the construction of housing, roads, and school maintenance, among others.
During the month of August and prior to the return to classes, painting, electrical, plumbing and waterproofing maintenance work was ordered in schools, in general everything that is required to leave them in good condition, which generated jobs for builders, blacksmiths, painters, plumbers and haulers.
In addition, the Instituto para el Desarrollo de la Infraestructura Educativa y Eléctrica de Yucatán (Idefeey) contemplated the construction of new classrooms in the areas with the highest student demand, such as in the new subdivisions of Mérida, Umán, and Kanasín.
On the other hand, the CTM’s Construction Workers Union (Sindicato de Alarifes de la CTM) reported that worker occupation was above 95 percent last August, and the figure is currently being maintained in the public sector the Yucatán State Housing Institute (Ivey) has also launched bids for the construction of housing actions in the municipalities of the interior of the state.
In addition, the Institute for the Construction and Conservation of Public Works in Yucatan (Instituto para la Construcción y la Conservación de la Obra Pública en Yucatán, Inccopy) launched projects for the rehabilitation of health centers in 50 municipalities, which, together, will keep workers in the sector with a positive occupation until the end of October.
The union added that even the salaries offered to the workers are above what was previously paid in Merida, which has been a very marked fact that the security of the State and the work being carried out has attracted the attention of people from abroad to come and live in Yucatan.
In the case of the private sector, there are plans for the construction of housing in private subdivisions between workers and owners, as well as the construction of shopping malls, hotels and self-service stores, which has been considered positive for the sector in general.
The growth trend is expected to continue for the months of October, November and December, since the work tenders launched in August should be concluded during those months, in addition to the fact that calls for bids will also be published during those dates, so that the year will close with good activity.
The CTM union organization alone has a fleet of 12 thousand people, most of which are currently active, in addition to other groups of workers who also have positive occupation figures during these months and foresee a positive closing of 2022.
Meanwhile, recent investments in Peto with Vertical Knits, which will allow the creation of 1,700 jobs in the south of the state, as well as other firms in different locations in the interior, will allow a demand for work in the coming months of the year and even by 2023.
A few months ago, the State Government announced the arrival of investments by eight companies, with more than 2,860 million pesos and the generation of 3,200 jobs, of which 75 percent will be destined for municipalities such as Ticul, Mocochá, Espita, Umán and Tetiz.
TYT Newsroom