Yucatan takes another step forward in the path to prevent violence against women by joining efforts and teaming up with the private sector and educational institutions, by awarding Violet Distinctions to educational centers and companies that received training to ensure comprehensive development and prevention and attention to gender violence with safer spaces for women.
In the framework of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women (25N), Governor Mauricio Vila Dosal presented 89 Violet Awards for actions that contribute to the empowerment and integral development of the sector, but, above all, guarantee the prevention of and attention to violence against women.
During the event, which took place at the Yucatan Siglo XXI Convention Center, the Governor informed that by 2023 he plans to increase by 50% the resources allocated to actions and programs in favor of women, thus reaffirming that this issue is a priority for his administration.
Regarding this important alliance for Yucatecan women, the Rector of the Universidad Mesoamericana de San AgustÃn (Umsa), MarÃa Eugenia Sansores Ruz, recognized the Governor for this important proposal that concerns the whole society and we cannot let it advance, so we do not hesitate to be part of this network for the fight against gender violence, with which today we are taking a big step forward on this issue.
“Thank you, Governor, because this initiative has allowed the Government, through Semujeres, to have the disposition to solve problems that affect young women in our university with psychological and legal interventions and in an integral way we have been able to accompany those who have suffered violence and we will continue in this process. We recognize this proposal as of great interest and commitment on their part in favor of combating gender violence in our state,” she said.
Ana Laura Ordoñez Gutiérrez, Regional Human Resources Manager for Amazon Mexico, reiterated to the Governor and the women of Yucatan, the commitment to maintain and generate safe spaces for women and that she has helped to see that this is the right way to innovate in improving the working conditions of our workers and empower them, not only in Yucatan but throughout Mexico.
“We invite more companies to join and participate to obtain their Distintivo Violeta to support the integral development of women. Thank you, Governor, for this opportunity to provide our employees with the knowledge and practice to promote professional development in favor of the working women of Yucatan,” she said.
From the Salón Chichén Itzá of the Centro de Convenciones y Exposiciones Yucatán Siglo XXI, the Governor pointed out that today Yucatán is taking another step to prevent violence against women, a problem that exists throughout the country, but that in the state we decided to take the initiative and do our part to generate a cultural change hand in hand with society and as a team.
“As long as there is only one woman being raped, only one femicide, we cannot be satisfied with the actions we are taking against this problem, but we can continue taking steps like this and working as a team to make this an everyday occurrence,” he said.
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