The good practices and public policies in environmental matters that the City Council promotes in Mérida to contribute to mitigate the effects of climate change, were recognized in the Seventh Edition of the ICLEI Award for Sustainable Local Government 2022, in the category of “Ambitious Local Government in the face of Climate Change”, informed the Mayor, Renán Barrera Concha.
The Municipal President pointed out that the distinction is an initiative that recognizes local governments in the 32 federal entities of the country, which carry out projects, programs or actions that favor the protection of the environment in Mexico, as is the case of Merida.
“Climate change has been an issue of utmost importance to build a sustainable Municipality, for such reason, since the beginning of our administration we have developed programs and actions, as well as transversal public policies that contribute to improve environmental conditions in the city reaching a higher degree of sustainability”, he expressed.
At the awards ceremony, which was held in digital format from the municipality of Chihuahua, it was reported that Merida won first place in the category “Ambitious Local Government in the face of Climate Change”, as well as honorable mention in the categories of “Ambitious Local Government in the use of renewable energies and energy efficiency” and “Local Government with solutions based on biodiversity”.
Alejandra Bolio Rojas, Director of the Sustainable Development Unit, received the award on behalf of the mayor, who recalled that the city of Mérida is one of the pioneering municipalities in Mexico in placing the issue of climate change as a priority within the environmental agenda.
The official pointed out that in 2017 the first inventory of greenhouse gas and compound emissions in the city was generated, with which the first Municipal Climate Action Plan was created; and recently, the Municipal Green Infrastructure Plan was concluded.
“We are currently updating the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) inventory, but with a 2020 base year, and with local activity data, so we could have a level 2 or 3 inventory in some sectors (waste, energy, industry, agriculture),” he said.
It should be noted that in 2020 the energy efficiency area was created, this year the Climate Change Committee was consolidated, made up of actors from the three levels of government, academia, civil organizations, and citizens, and work is currently underway on the preparation of the Merida Risk Atlas focused on disasters caused by climate change.
In his message, Bolio Rojas emphasized that the objective of this project is for the results of the GHG inventory to be discussed by the Climate Change Committee and to arrive at viable proposals in the short, medium, and long term, which will ensure the sustainability of the Municipality.
“The final product will be the Municipal Climate Action Plan (PACMUN) for next year, where the proposals that have worked for the Municipality in the area of sustainability will be maintained, and new proposals that are framed within the actions of mitigation and adaptation to climate change will be integrated,” he said.
With this, he added that the city would also be complying with global commitments such as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) issued by the UN.
She emphasized that the City of Merida is currently working in line with the 2030 agenda in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Regarding the award, the official explained that the Secretariat for Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean of ICLEI-Local Governments for Sustainability, since 2013 has given this recognition to local governments committed to carrying out actions that benefit the community through the development of programs and projects on sustainability issues.
He thanked the award received, as well as the honorable mentions received in the category of Ambitious Local Government in the use of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency and as Local Government with Biodiversity-based Solutions.
A total of 8 categories were recognized in the seventh edition of the ICLEI Sustainable Local Government 2022 Award: Ambitious Local Government in the use of renewable energy and energy efficiency, Ambitious Local Government in the face of climate change, Local Government with solutions based on biodiversity, Local Government with circular development and integrated solid waste management, Resilient Local Government, Smart Local Government in sustainable mobility, Local Government with better water management and Ambitious Local Government in the fulfillment of the SDGs.
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