Merida: Tourists rent a house in Ciudad Caucel and are left out in the street

Once again, Facebook was the method of complaint for some tourists who were scammed upon their arrival in the city of Mérida.

The complainants reported a person by the name of Renán Maldonado, “since he scammed us, so be careful and do not trust him”.

It is detailed that the tourists are from the city of Toluca, State of Mexico, and contacted the person through a group of neighbors of Ciudad Caucel to rent a house. “The house was very nice, so we decided to rent it“.

“He asked us for a deposit to set it aside, it was strange to us that we asked him whose name the card was in and he told us his name and when we deposited, it was in someone else’s name. Anyway, he mentioned that the location would be sent by mail in a receipt that he was going to give us (the mail never arrived),” she said.

In spite of the details, the swindled people trusted, since they were asked for documents such as INE, mail, full name, since it was to send us a receipt of payment and reservation.

“The day of our arrival in Merida, we asked him again for the location of the house and he said he would be looking at our location and 30 minutes before our arrival he would send me the location. The location of the house was not received for a long time and then he sent us a location, when we went there, he sent us a different one and then another one”, we are told.

TYT Newsroom

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