In order to promote reading among the inhabitants of southern Merida, the Autonomous University of Yucatan (UADY) opened the doors of its new Reading Zone, located within the University Unit of Social Insertion (UUIS), which will have dozens of titles suitable for all ages, said the coordinator of this space, Julia Candila Celis.
What is a “Reading Zone”?
The Unidad Universitaria de Inserción Social (UUIS), San José Tecoh of the UADY inaugurated its new Reading Zone and its first library for the general public, with around 170 titles for all ages.
What is the objective?
The aim is that this new space will allow the inhabitants of southern Merida to open their minds, encourage creativity and the imagination of children, young people and adults who visit the unit every day.
What titles are included?
There are four categories of books, the first for children under six, teenagers, parents and one for university students.
Are they part of a collection?
The book titles that make up this reading area are part of the Centennial Edition, with major publishers, so we invite all users to get to know each of the materials that make it up.
Where did the books come from?
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Federal Government for donating approximately 140 copies of books and the rest from different areas of the University itself, as this will now allow us to expand the services of the Unit with the promotion of reading.
When can I visit the reading area?
The reading area will be open to the general public during the hours the Unit is open, Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to noon and from 3 to 7 p.m. in the afternoon.
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