To guarantee a more secure environment for the harmonious development of recreational and sports activities for families visiting the city parks, the Merida City Council will increase the number of Park Rangers to reinforce surveillance and coverage in 25 of these public spaces.
Currently, 112 agents are carrying out surveillance work in 52 city parks, especially those located in the southeast, south-west and central areas of Mérida, where this service is most required.
This year the coverage will be extended to 25 more parks, for a total of 77 parks in Mérida.
“The job of the park rangers not only consists of providing a safe environment for the people who go to the parks to enjoy themselves, they are also the eyes of the City Council, since to make public services more efficient, they report lamps failing or playgrounds that require maintenance.
The 50 new rangers, whose call will be announced no later than next February, will reinforce the security of parks such as Serapio Rendón, or Madero, to name a few, as well as the city center, where the theft of objects, the consumption of illegal substances and alcohol have been reported.
Security will also be reinforced in parks that have a lot of influx, such as Parque Alemán and Parque de las Américas, to provide more efficient attention to visitors.
The Technical Secretary of Park Rangers, Benjamin Millet Molina, clarified that, although the work of this area consists of providing security to park users, park rangers cannot make any arrests, so they work in coordination with the Secretary of Public Security to deal with any case that may arise.
Millet Molina highlighted that the Merida City Council has made his best effort so that the ranger project offers an efficient service to citizens.
“We have had a very good response from people to our work and for this reason, we will continue to grow to provide a better service,” the Technical Secretary of Park Rangers, Benjamin Millet Molina concluded.
TYT Newsroom