Home NewsCrime Ovidio Guzmán was caught with 17 more Sinaloa Cartel members

Ovidio Guzmán was caught with 17 more Sinaloa Cartel members

by Yucatan Times
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At the conference led by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, the head of the National Defense Secretariat (Sedena), Luis Cresencio Sandoval, announced that in the operation to arrest Ovidio ‘N’, 17 other members of the Sinaloa cartel were captured.

(Excélsior).- The official added that 7 military personnel were killed and 9 others were wounded in the operation.

The areas of influence where Ovidio ‘N’ carried out his illicit activities, related to methamphetamines and fentanyl, were detected six months ago, he added.

In the early morning of January 5, a National Guard patrol was deployed in the area of Jesús María, municipality of Culiacán, where six suspicious vehicles, apparently armored, were detected. Army personnel arrived immediately.

The subjects did not want to get out of the vehicles and attacked the security forces. They immediately fled. The alarms were activated. The soldiers also used their weapons and there was an exchange of gunfire.

The Army and the NG secured 18 armed people, among whom one of them identified himself as Ovidio ‘N’, head of the Sinaloa cartel “probably with the intention of being released“.

Several criminal cells managed to group together to rescue Ovidio, they attacked the armed forces “unfortunately 7 military personnel lost their lives and 9 were wounded”.

It was necessary to support the personnel on the ground from the air, said the head of Sedena.

Criminals carried out blockades and also fired shots at aircrafts, two of which had to make emergency landings.

Evacuation and transfer of detainees

A FAM helicopter was used and landed at the scene and taken to the FEMDO in Mexico City.

Reinforced security

3,586 Army and National Guard troops were deployed in Sinaloa.

Colonel died

During the course of the afternoon, a colonel commander of the 43rd infantry battalion and a troop colonel died. Three more were wounded; they were on their way to support security efforts in the state following Ovidio’s arrest.

One thousand members of Joint Task Force Mexico will reinforce security in the state starting today.

19 criminals killed

A total of 19 criminals were killed and 21 members of the criminal group were arrested. Four 50 caliber Barret rifles, six 50 caliber machine guns, 26 long arms, 2 handguns, magazines, cartridges, various tactical equipment and 13 operational vehicles were seized. Forty pickup trucks were disabled, 26 of which were armored.

“10 soldiers lost their lives in the line of duty, the state will provide all support to the bereaved; 35 soldiers are injured, so far there is no report of any innocent civilian who has lost his life as a result of these operations,” he concluded.

TYT Newsroom

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