Home Cultura The Merida City Council commemorates the 107th anniversary of the First Feminist Congress

The Merida City Council commemorates the 107th anniversary of the First Feminist Congress

by Yucatan Times
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The women of the Municipality are tireless promoters of the common good, from the different areas where they participate as leaders or intervene in issues related to the economic, political and cultural development of Mérida, therefore, they always work with determination to make our society more just, equitable and where we all grow evenly, said Mayor Renán Barrera Concha.

As part of the commemoration of the 107th anniversary of the First Feminist Congress, the Municipal President thanked all the women of the Municipality for their active participation in the task of governing and improving the governance decisions of the public administration.

Accompanied by his wife Diana Castillo Laviada, Barrera Concha emphasized that, because of this example of unity, solidarity and empathy demonstrated throughout the history of our entity, the municipal government has learned a lot through the determined participation of women in the affairs of the city.

“In this search and work for the common good for all, we can say that female participation is almost total because it is the women of this Municipality who participate the most, who give their opinion the most and who work hand in hand with the City Hall, in favor of their families and society”, he expressed.

He pointed out that the collaborative work will lead society to better horizons, where women are a fundamental element, who have demonstrated throughout the years and struggles, what can be achieved with determination and desire for justice, peace, equity and respect.

He also highlighted that, in order to honor the struggle of women for equality, it will be proposed that the Salón de Cabildo of the Palacio Municipal be named after Rosa Torre González, who was the city’s first councilwoman, thus paying tribute to one of the first politicians with whom Yucatecan women identify.

“In this way we are not only honoring someone who is an example for current and new generations of Meridanos, but we are also recognizing the Meridanas, who have been before and are now, pillars of this supportive, harmonious, loving, responsible and committed society, who every day demonstrate their affection for their city,” he said.

During his speech, the Mayor recognized the work in favor of women of guest speaker Nancy Walker Olvera, who works as a professional in the field of human development, participatory research, gender and diversity, whose academic career and activism have been recognized in the public and private sector.

In her speech, Walker Olvera highlighted that the First Feminist Congress, held in 1916, was made by brave women who dared to fight and defend their rights, setting a precedent that guides new generations to defend and demand their rights.

“Here and now I want to say to all those women who bravely fought for equality, inclusion and for the respect of their rights, that with their activism they changed the history of the following generations of women, that their struggle was worth the price they paid,” she said.

Although she acknowledged that there are different achievements for women, she pointed out that there are pending issues to be resolved, such as the existence of different types of violence against them, femicide and the absence of an agile investigation to clarify the reported cases.

“As women we want and demand our rights and obligations, and to achieve this we need society and government to work in a coordinated and deep way to give the size in these new realities,” she said.

On the other hand, the Mayor stated that the City Hall continues to promote a Merida in which there is no room for violence and in which the culture of peace and equality is always privileged.

As an example of this work in favor of the women citizens of the Municipality, he cited the work of the Municipal Institute of Women, with more than 20 years of trajectory and commitment to women, recognized with the “National Award for Good Government 2021“.

“Through this Institute we offer permanent spaces for orientation and support such as: “Línea Mujer”, CAREM Shelter for Women, with or without daughters and sons in situations of extreme violence, “Mujeres Seguras”, which offers women of the Municipality safe spaces to contribute to the access of their rights” she specified.

She added that this is in addition to the personalized attention services such as legal, psychological and social work attention in the headquarters of the Center, West, South and East of Merida.

“In addition, we also continue with workshops on violence prevention such as “Mujeres unidas, mujeres seguras” (Women united, safe women), “Mujeres bordadoras de su vida” (Women embroidering their lives), “Mujeres descubriendo su poder” (Women discovering their power) and “Prevención de las violencias hacia las mujeres, tarea de todas las mujeres transformando realidades” (Prevention of violence against women, a task for all women transforming realities), among many others,” he mentioned.

We are aware that we have advanced a lot in these aspects, she added, but we also know that there are still many challenges in terms of equality and inclusion, which we will overcome hand in hand with women.

The Mayor was accompanied by María Fritz Sierra, Secretary General of Government, representing the Governor of the State of Yucatán, Mauricio Vila Dosal; Ingrid del Pilar Santos Díaz, President of the State Congress; Diana Canto Moreno, Municipal Trustee; and Alejandro Ruz Castro, Municipal Secretary, at the solemn town hall session, held in the “Silvio Vallado” auditorium of the “Olimpo” Cultural Center.

Also in attendance were Fabiola García Magaña, Director of the Municipal Institute for Women, Ana Rosa Payán Cervera, former Mayor of Mérida, and members of the Municipal Council for the Collaboration of Women, among others.

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