Dengue fever in Yucatan has grown exponentially during the last year and most of its 157 cases are concentrated in four municipalities, according to the Ministry of Health.
According to the Dengue Epidemiological Panorama, issued last Thursday, February 23rd, the federal agency reported that up to epidemiological week seven, the number of accumulated cases is dramatically higher than the single case registered during 2022.
Of the 157 cases registered during 2023, most of them are located in the municipalities of Yobaín and Santa Elena, located in the south and north of the state, which represent the red hot spots.
These two are followed by the municipalities of Temozón and Umán, in Central and Eastern Yucatán, which appear in yellow on the map.
Other municipalities that have registered cases and are in green are in Merida, Progreso, Oxkutzcab, Tzucacab, Valladolid, Tizimín, Espita, Panabá and Sucilá.
Of the 157 positive dengue diagnoses in Yucatan, 78 correspond to non-severe dengue, 76 to dengue with warning signs and three correspond to severe dengue.
TYT Newsroom