Home Business-new Mauricio Vila wants to consolidate Yucatan as a scientific and innovation pole

Mauricio Vila wants to consolidate Yucatan as a scientific and innovation pole

by Yucatan Times
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During the celebration of the 15th Anniversary of the State System of Research, Innovation and Technological Development (Siidetey), Governor Mauricio Vila Dosal called to continue working as a team to continue positioning Yucatan as a scientific and innovative state that contributes to attract new investments that generate jobs for Yucatecans.

In this context, Vila Dosal was witness of honor of the signing of a letter, where the 17 member organizations of this System ratified their commitment to continue detonating the scientific and technological capabilities that Yucatan has, always applying them for the benefit of Yucatecan society.

Along with the head of the Secretariat of Research, Innovation and Higher Education of Yucatan (SIIES), Mauricio Camara Leal, the Governor affirmed that Siidetey has been a key organization in the construction of a better Yucatan through research, science and technology applied for the benefit of our people.

Emphasizing that it is a solid system and is made up of a great team, Vila Dosal affirmed that this has allowed Yucatan to position itself as the fifth state in the country with the most researchers per capita in the National System of Researchers, as well as the second with the most researchers in Biotechnology and Agronomy and the third in Mathematics.

“Having important allies like you is allowing us to place Yucatan as a spearhead in science, innovation, research and technology. You will always count on the State Government in your future projects because these topics are priorities to achieve the development of our society in the future,” said the Governor.

Before directors of research centers, rectors and university directors, Vila Dosal indicated that his administration has teamed up to promote actions to benefit the development of the state and the country, but also created strategies such as Yucatan Digital, with which we are bringing internet to more than 2,800 schools including elementary, middle and high schools; and the State English Agenda to bring and encourage girls, boys and young people in Yucatan to have an optimal command of the language, from preschool to university and promote the international mobility of young people.

The Governor also spoke of the projects with which the state is betting on the future, such as the construction of two Combined Cycle power plants, the expansion of the Port of Altura, the improvement of the natural gas supply, the Waste Transformation Plant and the new Metropolitan System of Friendly and Sustainable Mobility “Va y Ven“.

“All of this is proof that, if anything is working in Yucatan, it is working as a team, having common goals and not paying attention to party colors, or to political affiliations, or to phobias, or to junctures. That is why in Yucatan we have an excellent relationship with the Federal Government, the municipalities and civil society,” concluded Vila Dosal.

Representing the 17 members of this cooperative network, Pedro Iván González Chi, director of the Scientific Research Center of Yucatán (CICY), highlighted Vila Dosal’s governance model based on a spirit of joining wills, where scientific knowledge is the basis for the development of the entity.

During the event held in the Mayamax hall of the Gran Museo del Mundo Maya, González Chi reiterated Siidetey’s willingness to continue searching in an articulated manner for alternatives that respond to the challenges of the Yucatecans.

In turn, the head of the Siies highlighted the 15 years of this organization, the only one of its kind in the country, which represents the academic and innovation muscle of the state by bringing together more than 16 research centers, universities and committed companies, more than 830 researchers, 220 laboratories, as well as more than 250 and 200 lines of research.

He highlighted that, for the first time in 3 lustrums, this system has a catalog of services built by the institutions that comprise it, which goes hand in hand with the Governor’s vision and commitment to act based on science and maintain the entity as a pole of vanguard, scientific innovation and research.

“We continue to fulfill our commitment to work as a team and together we Yucatecans are betting on innovation and research to strengthen Yucatan,” said the state official.

Siidetey is a consortium that brings together higher education institutions and public research centers in Yucatan, which aims to promote the management of research, innovation and technological development in favor of the needs of society.

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