In order to solve the economic crisis and attract more customers, the tianguis in Mérida now accept bank transfers.
This is so that there is no excuse for customers to buy the products they find in these spaces in the city.
In the opinion of several passers-by, they say that it is a good “hook” to buy, since sometimes one does not carry the money in cash and thus have the possibility of buying more.
“I belong to the new generation that with the pandemic is trying not to carry a lot of cash, because it is a way to spread the virus, but the truth is that with the option of paying with a card, it is a modernity,” said shoppers.
It should be remembered that Merida has more than 10 tianguis around the week, the most famous are the one in San Roque, on Sundays, the one in Chuburna, on Sunday mornings, and the one in Colonia Madero, on Saturdays, among others.

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