The government of Mauricio Vila Dosal will invest more than 3.108 billion pesos in social infrastructure for health, education, mobility, sports, security and drinking water in Yucatán this year, with the objective of continuing to improve the quality of life of the entire population of the state.
On behalf of Vila Dosal, the head of the State Public Works Secretariat (SOP), Aref Karam Espósitos, participated in the State Infrastructure Forum 2023, organized by the Mexican Chamber of the Construction Industry (CMIC), Yucatán delegation, where he also gave an account of the main works carried out by this administration during the past year.
Before the president of the CMIC, Raúl Asís Monforte González, the official recalled that during the Vila Dosal administration more than 9 billion pesos have been invested in public works for the execution of more than 46,412 infrastructure actions. In 2022 alone, 1,733 million pesos were invested in 4,423 works.
For this year, he informed that the State Government has allocated resources for more than 3,108 million pesos for the execution of important infrastructure works such as the construction of 2 shelters for women in situations of violence, in Ticul and Tekax, the new Center for the Integral Attention of Children in Distress (Caimede), the emblematic “José Peón Contreras” Theater will also be recovered, its infrastructure will be restored and provided with new equipment and furniture, and the Yucatan School of Arts (ESAY) will be expanded.
The waiting rooms of the hospitals of Valladolid, Tizimín and the current “Agustín O’Horán” will also be remodeled, so that visitors or family members will have more comfortable and dignified spaces where they can rest and accompany their hospitalized patients. The remodeling of Health Centers throughout the state will continue, as well as the construction of the Naval Hospital in Progreso.
Likewise, 22 virtual high schools will be built together with the Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán (UADY) and 65 dignified classrooms with bathrooms for initial indigenous schools in an equal number of police stations in the interior of the state, so that they have better conditions, and the “Benito Juárez” Sports Unit in Mérida will be remodeled.
The construction of the Kanasín market will continue and the Tekax market will be built soon, as well as the improvement of the urban image of the new Pueblo Mágico de Maní and the remodeling of the Historic Center of Tizimín.
Also, the main avenue and the tourist stop in Celestún will be intervened, and the Great Tourist-Gastronomic Corridor will be built on 60th and 47th streets in the Historic Center of the Yucatecan capital.
The remodeling of 8 public prosecutor’s offices in Tekax, Motul, Maxcanú, Progreso, Tizimín, Ticul, as well as the San José Tecoh and Fidel Velázquez neighborhoods in Mérida. Five Modal Transfer Centers (Cetrams) and the Progreso Elevated Viaduct will be built.
Karam Espósitos added that this budget also contemplates a program of patching of streets and roads in the state’s highway network, maintenance and expansion of the physical educational infrastructure in elementary, middle and high schools.
He also said that the construction and maintenance of two state entrepreneur centers will be carried out; the maintenance of the Costa Club hotel; as well as the continuity of the Dignified Housing Program, which includes the construction of additional rooms, ecological bathrooms and kitchens with ecological stoves.

The head of the SOP highlighted that works will also be carried out for the city, such as the construction of 3 pedestrian bridges on the Periferico ring road, streets inside the Periferico ring road, maintenance of the public lighting system in road sections and on the periphery of Merida, the community center building in Roble Agricola, among other actions to dignify the quality of life of all the inhabitants of Yucatan.
In an event held at the Mayamax Hall of the Gran Museo del Mundo Maya (GMMM), the official recalled the strategic projects that, thanks to the efforts of Governor Mauricio Vila with President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, are being carried out with the support of the Federation.
Among these, the following projects stand out: the Progreso Port of Height Expansion Project, the great “La Plancha” Park, the first electric public transportation Ie-Tram, the Merida IV and Valladolid combined cycle plants, the construction of 700 km of pipelines with 3 new compression stations and two natural gas measuring stations, as well as the expansion of Merida’s International Airport.
For his part, the CMIC president reiterated the Chamber’s support and collaboration to continue working with state and municipal authorities.
“We have to work together if we want to be successful and we Yucatecan builders are willing to do so,” he emphasized.
It is worth mentioning that, in Yucatan as of the II quarter of 2022 the number of construction jobs according to the Employment Survey is 125 thousand 463 people.
From January to October 2022, according to the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS), 24,727 jobs have been generated for a total of 418,066 people, the highest figure since records began. In the construction sector, 52,670 jobs were registered as of October, representing 12.6% of the total.
Thus, through the SOP, the State Government is promoting the “Dignify” program, which focuses on training workers in the construction sector in the skills required for this work, with a focus on safety at construction sites, as well as on improving their family environment and quality of life through social courses.
This program also provides safety equipment and the necessary tools to improve safety and productivity.
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