The main issues on which María Trinidad Guerrero Jiménez, president of the National Chamber of Small Commerce, Services and Tourism (CANACOPE) Yucatán, will focus her work are seeking solutions to the problem of the Federal Electricity Commission (CEF) rates, continuing with the solar panel support project, and training for members.
Guerrero Jiménez took office in recent days, replacing Jorge Cardeña Licona, and announced that she found a stable organization, up to date in its obligations with the three orders of government and finances in order.
“The whole steering committee, as a group, will focus on supporting the members, there is the problem of the Federal Commission (CFE), the bills are still arriving very high to some members, we are going to channel ourselves into that, provide them with information regarding inflation, focus on all their needs”, he indicated.
“We still have members who receive high electricity bills and we have to detect the problem, what it consists of, reach those in charge and have them take care of the situation, we have to help our colleagues and see why this is happening”, she added.
The leader reminded that it is about small commerce and many “corner stores” do not generate too much profit either, so we have to be with them at all times and find methods to support them.
“We also continue with the solar panel project, progress was made with what our former president did, the agreement for them to be installed at no cost and then go paying in monthly installments,” he said.
“Our plan is to work together, directors, advisors, administrative personnel, we have the same advisors and soon we will give some courses to the affiliates so that they do not get discouraged with the increases, we have to continue, we want to give them an incentive and find solutions to the problems due to inflation, taxes, drinking water, commercial garbage”, she added.
The president made it clear that there are issues that have to be analyzed in depth, such as water, since these are small stores, which of course consume the liquid, but not in the amounts recorded in the receipts.
“We are going to meet, put it on the table with the other managers and work to help us all, that is the goal, to be aware of all the problems that arise and solve the inconveniences that arise, to improve as much as possible. That is why we are scheduling a training, to encourage our affiliates, many of them live and are used to their stores, sometimes they think about closing definitively and what they are going to keep”, he said.
Guerrero Jiménez affirmed that the purpose is to find alternatives so that the small merchants can move forward and not be affected. In this regard, he spoke of the situation currently faced by some economic kitchens that make the traditional “brazo de reyna” to market mainly on Fridays of vigil, since the prices of some inputs are sky high.
“They can also sell polcanes, just to mention an example, if one option is not possible, they look for another one”, he expressed.
“That is what the courses are for, to pamper them, not to get discouraged, not to give up, we have to fight, we have to look up, to move forward and we are going to work together”, he concluded.
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