Home Headlines Governor Mauricio Vila confirms the Sustainable Stadium project has been ruled out

Governor Mauricio Vila confirms the Sustainable Stadium project has been ruled out

by Magali Alvarez
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Merida, Yucatan, March 14, 2023 – Governor Mauricio Vila Dosal confirmed that the construction of the Sustainable Stadium of Yucatan (ESY) has been ruled out until the investors of the company Juego de Pelota Inc. make a counter-proposal for suitable land that complies with urban regulations.

“Between the State Government and the City Council of Merida it was determined that it did not meet the conditions required in the area and what we have asked them is that they can look for another land to put it to the consideration of the authorities and if this was the right one, the indicated one and the one that meets all the regulations, then they could develop their investment,” he explained.

The State Governor acknowledged that at the beginning the complex was supposed to host soccer and baseball games, as well as concerts, with a capacity of more than 30 thousand people and an investment of more than 2.2 billion pesos, with private capital.

The original idea was to build the new stadium in the north of Merida on the land formerly occupied by the Escuela Normal Superior “Rodolfo Menendez de la Peña”, but it did not comply with urban development regulations.

Interviewed after the signing of the Alliance between the MiFel Bank and the Leones de Yucatán team, Vila Dosal said that while the ESY investors make a definitive decision, the State Government will make further improvements to the Kukulcán stadium.

In this regard, the governor informed that the home of the Leones will have a new and modern led lighting system, one of the best in the country.

“There will be greater interaction with the fans because the lights will turn on and off with color changes, as in the Major League Baseball stadiums in the US,” he explained.

The governor pointed out that in terms of sports infrastructure, there are several plans.

He noted that a lot of investment is required to improve the state’s sports facilities, which is done with budgetary efforts.

For this reason, he highlighted the agreement between MiFel and the board of directors of the Leones de Yucatán because sponsorships are required to hire players and have winning teams.

“The approach with companies is not only to attract investment but also to achieve sponsorships for our professional teams,” he added.

Finally, he acknowledged that a pending issue is the remodeling of the “Carlos Iturralde Rivero” soccer stadium, but the lack of decision by the Mexican Soccer Federation to reactivate the Ascension League keeps any investment on hold.

“Thinking about investing in the stadium while there is no possibility of promotion is complicated. Hopefully, there will soon be clarity regarding promotion,” the governor concluded

TYT Newsroom

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