Home Historic Yucatan Governor Mauricio Vila Dosal inaugurates remodeling works at the Ucú Health Center

Governor Mauricio Vila Dosal inaugurates remodeling works at the Ucú Health Center

by Magali Alvarez
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Ucú, Yucatán, March 9, 2023.- Residents of the municipality of Ucú can now access quality health services in well equipped, more modern and adequate facilities, with the delivery by Governor Mauricio Vila Dosal of the remodeling works of the Health Center of this muncipality.

As part of a working tour of this town, the Governor also inaugurated the Municipal Women’s Institute and continued to verify the operation of the Yucatan Digital program, through which elementary and high schools throughout the state now have access to free high-speed Internet to ensure that children and young people have this tool.

Regarding the work at the Health Center, the head of the Ministry of Social Development (Sedesol), Virgilio Crespo Méndez, director of the Institute for the Construction and Conservation of Public Works (Inccopy), indicated that all the areas were intervened, such as the waiting rooms, vaccination, general medicine, and cures; the Specialization Center and equipment; Cedathos, medical room and pharmacy, which were supplied with fans, linear lamps, air conditioners, washbasins, and antibacterial curtains.

Also, the kitchen, staff and public bathrooms, doors, and windows were intervened; white and antibacterial paint was applied on interior walls; air conditioners and hydraulic and electrical systems were refurbished; exterior works were carried out too, such as the garden and the construction of sidewalks with ramps for disabled access, and the provision of furniture and medical equipment, all with an investment of over 2.1 million pesos, for the benefit of 4,000 inhabitants.

At the “Elmer Orlando Gorocica Lara” State High School, he supervised the operation of Yucatán Digital and granted both furniture and the kit of the ¨Mejora tu Secu¨ program so that the students have better conditions for their academic development.

In his message, Vila Dosal reiterated his commitment to continue improving the quality of education and the conditions in the schools through schemes like this one and promoting from his administration the changes that are needed to transform the state for the better and for the new generation of Yucatecans to have a better entity than the current one.

Photo: Yucatan.gob

The governor asked the students to take advantage of these opportunities and support them, studying and preparing themselves to become successful people, citizens who care for the environment and contribute to the transformation of the territory.

“We need all Yucatecans to continue on this path, and only by working together will Yucatán do better,” he said to the host mayor, Gaspar Ariel Pinto Ojeda.

While touring this training center, the Governor corroborated, together with students and teachers, how this fiber optic connection works. Each point has 50 megabytes of speed so that they can not only download homework but also upload it to the different platforms used by the teachers. For the parent’ peace of mind, the network is filtered, so that students will not be able to visit inappropriate websites.

Yucatán Digital has brought the Internet to schools, with 1,180 high-speed links in 31 municipalities, at no cost to families and benefiting 129,000 students, and teachers; it also connects the schools with 35 government offices, so that mothers and fathers have procedures and services closer to them, thus preventing them from traveling to other parts of the territory and the expenses this entails.

Regarding the ¨Mejora tu Secu kit¨, which this school received, it includes a multimedia projector, 2 garbage containers, 5 buckets of white paint of 19 liters, 3 of blue and the same number of waterproofing, 5 soccer balls and the same amount of basketballs; up to that day, these packages have been delivered to 113 schools throughout Yucatan. The furniture provided consists of 12 tables and chairs, worth more than 44,800 pesos, which will allow the personnel to improve their work.

The head of the Ministry of Education (Segey), Liborio Vidal Aguilar, affirmed that the internet is crucial for the development of new generations; it implies justice, social equity, and profound humanism, and offers a wide range of resources, which contributes to learning. “Yucatán Digital allows youth to be connected to the world and helps to close the technological gap in the interior of the state,” he added.

Finally, during his visit to Ucú, the Governor and the head of the Secretariat for Women (Semujeres), María Cristina Castillo Espinosa, cut the inaugural ribbon of the Municipal Institute for Women, where legal and psychological attention is offered to those who require it, in fulfillment of their commitment to eradicate and eliminate gender violence in Yucatán.

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