Merida, Yucatan, April 7, 2023.- With more than 50 educational and ecotourism activities, the 22nd edition of the Toh Bird Festival is taking place, an event that until November 19 will promote bird watching as an initiative to position Yucatan as a birding destination, while making sustainable use of the species and their habitats.
This event offers activities for the general public of all ages, such as workshops, lectures, talks, drawing and photography contests, as well as tours and a marathon.
The activity is organized by the State Government together with the Organizing Committee chaired by the Asociación Civil Pronatura Península de Yucatán, the academy with the participation of the Centro de Investigación Científica de Yucatán (CICY), the Federal Government through CONANP and the Ría Lagartos Biosphere Reserve.
Also participating are the Merida City Hall through the Centennial Zoo, civil associations and the private sector.
The event began on March 15 and will end on November 19. It includes more activities such as workshops, conferences, talks, drawing and photography contests, and bird watching tours in different parts of the state.
It will close with a flourish in November with the Bird Marathon, which is a team competition, where the one who observes and records the most bird species is the winner.
This year, the marathon will be held at the exhacienda San Juan Bautista Tabi, a protected natural area of scenic, historical, cultural, and ecological importance, which is under the administration of the Yucatán State Government, through the Secretariat of Sustainable Development (SDS).

The festival is open to the public of all ages (children, youth and adults), groups of photographers, students, nature guides, and anyone interested in exploring a recreational activity in contact with nature.
The Festival is a pioneer in its time in Mexico and with a trajectory of 22 years, and has been a platform that has contributed to Yucatan registering 48% of all birdwatchers in Mexico, placing it in first place nationally.
For more information about the activities, visit
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