A program to celebrate International Dance Day 2023 will be held in venues in Dzilam González, Mérida, Tekax and Tizimín, from April 19 to 29, with the support of Governor Mauricio Vila Dosal, through master classes, performances, shows, conferences, round tables, workshops, among others.
International Dance Day is a global celebration of dance, created by the Dance Committee of the International Theatre Institute, the main partner for the performing arts of UNESCO.
For the Ministry of Culture and the Arts (SEDECULTA), it is of vital importance to support the strengthening and visibility of the same, in its multiplicity of styles, reflections and forms of production, which nourish both the artistic community and the general public.
The program will begin on Wednesday 19 with a folklore master class by the director of the Sac-Nicté Dance Academy, Pablo Martínez Gutiérrez, and the participation of the Orquesta Jaranera del Mayab, in which techniques and repertoires will be strengthened. The event will be held at the “Armando Manzanero” theater from 9:00 to 11:00.
On the 22nd is the Breaking for All Encounter, from 12:00 to 18:00, at the Palacio de la Música. At noon on the 23rd, Tatiana Zugazagoitia, head of the Tatzudanza Company and Fuera de Centro, will present the videodance “La travesía: rodilla, pantorrilla, hombro, cadera”, at the Cineteca Nacional “Manuel Barbachano Ponce”.
Yolanda Consejo Vargas, from the Center for Art, Culture and Gastronomy “La Vida Buena”, will offer the open class “Harmonic Rearticulation from the Feldenkrais Method”. The place will be the Cultural Center “La Ibérica”, on the 24th from 10:00 to 12:00.
On the same day, from 16:00 to 18:00, through Zoom will be held the talk-workshop “Dance is the territory: Transversal perspectives from creation, archive and heritage”, by Virginia Fornillo, from the Institute of Culture of the Province of Rio Negro, Argentina.
On the 26th at 17:00, in Tizimín’s Multifunctional Gymnasium, Silvia López will lead the master class Classical Ballet. On the 27th at 19:00, at the Casa de la Cultura del Mayab “Leopoldo Peniche Vallado”, in Mérida, the Ballets Folklórico Juvenil del Estado, Incluyente “Los Ángeles del Mayab” and de Adultos “Kich Pan Lol” will star in the Gala de Folclor Yucateco.
At the Escuela Superior de Artes de Yucatán (ESAY), trains section, with the intervention of specialists, the work table “Dance practices and cultural management in Yucatán” will be held on Friday 28 from 8:30 to 10:00.
Later, at 7:00 p.m., but in the esplanade of the Ermita, in Tekax, an artistic ensemble with diverse artists of the place, will give way to the show “Tekax of yesterday and today”. The Balele, Bangin’ Body and Afro Mérida collectives will recreate the event “Sembrando Raíz”, on the 29th at 7:00 pm, in Plaza Grande, in this city. Simultaneously, in Dzilam González, ESAY students of the contemporary genre will perform “Territorios compartidos”.
In 1982, on the initiative of the International Dance Committee of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), April 29th was proclaimed as the date of birth of the French dancer and choreographer Jean-Georges Noverre, creator of modern ballet.
The events are free admission and some have limited capacity. For more information on course registration, venues and schedules, please consult the official profiles of the state agency on social networks, facebook.com/sedeculta, twitter.com/sedecultayuc and instagram.com/sedecultayuc, as well as the website www.cultura.yucatan.gob.mx.
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