With the entrance to the building of the Congress of Campeche closed to citizens by instruction of the president of the board of directors, María Violeta Baños Rodríguez, who declared minutes before noon the twelfth session of the Legislative Branch to be “private”, the initiative to reform section IV of article 5 of the Law for the Protection of Older Adults for the State was approved by unanimous vote.
After activists from different congregations went to the outskirts of the legislative precinct to present the documentation with 50 thousand signatures of Campeche citizens, the president of the board of directors, Baños Rodríguez, without explaining reason or circumstance, ruled that the session would be held behind closed doors, without the presence of the citizens who come to the place to know the reforms that are presented and voted.
To this end, in the agenda was approved by unanimous vote, the amendment to Section IV of Article 5 of the Law for the Protection of the Elderly for the State, so that the rights of the elderly are guaranteed so that they may enjoy options that allow them to have their own income, as well as to work productively for as long as they wish without any other restriction than their physical or mental limitations, besides receiving protection from the provisions of the Federal Labor Law and other labor laws.
Additionally, sexagenarians will be subject to actions and public policies on the part of state and municipal institutions, all of this for the benefit of strengthening the full integration of older adults in society.
During the reading of initiatives, the reform of the first and fourth paragraph of article 221, article 222 and the addition of article 221 bis of the State Criminal Code was presented to the plenary, to establish a penalty of between three to six years in prison for those who are denounced as repeat offenders in the commission of the crime of non-compliance with food obligations.

In the same amendment, it is proposed to punish with two to six years of imprisonment, anyone who resigns from his job or requests a leave of absence without pay and this is the only means of obtaining income, with the purpose of evading the fulfillment of child support obligations.
TYT Newsroom