Home Headlines More than 1600 young people will seek a place in Yucatán’s public high schools

More than 1600 young people will seek a place in Yucatán’s public high schools

by Yucatan Times
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MÉRIDA, Yucatan, June 9, 2023.- This Saturday, June 10, more than 16 thousand students will take the Exani I test, seeking admission to high school. The standardized knowledge evaluation for admission to one of the state’s high schools will take place at 8:00 a.m. and will last four and a half hours, ending at 12:30 p.m. The test will be administered by the state’s high schools.

The venues include the Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Yucatán (COBAY), CBTIS 120, CBTIS 112, CBTIS 95, CBTIS 80, CBTIS 19, CBTIS 193, State High School No. 1 Serapio Rendón, State High School No. 2 Gral. Salvador Alvarado, State High School No. 3 C.T.M., State High School No. 4 Víctor Jesús Manzanilla Jiménez in Cansahcab, State High School No. 5 Agustín Franco Villanueva, State High School No. 6 Alianza de Camioneros, State High School No. 7 Eligio Ancona, State High School No. 8 Carlos Castillo Peraza, State High School No. 9 Víctor Manuel Cervera Pacheco in Oxkutzcab, State High School No. 10 Rubén H. Rodríguez Mogeco in Oxkutzcab, State High School No. 10 Rubén H. Rodríguez Mogeco in Oxkutzcab, State High School No. 7 Eligio Ancona, State High School No. 6 Gral. 10 Rubén H. Rodríguez Moguel, State High School No. 11 in the Las Américas subdivision, State High School No. 12 in the Los Héroes subdivision, State High School #13 Plantel Azteca Yucatán, Colegio de Estudios Científicos y Tecnológicos del Estado de Yucatán (CECyTEY) and the Centro de Educación Artística (CEDART) Ermilo Abreu Gómez.

For the state high schools, approximately 5 thousand students will take the Exani I exam. Students who do not make it to their first choice will have the opportunity to enter their second or third choice.

According to records, the high schools with the highest demand from students are: Cobay Santa Rosa, Xoclán, Preparatoria No. 3 (Pacabtún), Preparatoria No.8 (Francisco de Montejo), Preparatoria 10 (Caucel) and Preparatoria No. 11 (Fracc. Las Américas).

It is recommended that students arrive 30 minutes before the evaluation, bring a photo ID, original deposit slip or proof of transfer, 2 1/2 pencil, eraser, pencil sharpener and avoid bringing items that will not be required.

The results by subsystems will be published on June 30, 2023. Applicants may consult them according to the campus where they took the exam and download the individual results report at the following website: www.bachillerato.yucatan.gob.mx

In the case of the Centro de Educación Artística (CEDART) “Ermilo Abreu Gómez”, the results will be published on its portal https://sgeia.inba.gob.mx/ on the date announced on the same site.

For the 2023-2024 school year, a total of 19,433 young people registered to enter high school, of which 16,356 are from high school and 3,077 from telebachillerato.

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