Home LifestyleArt and Culture This is the story behind Misnebalam, the ghost town of Yucatán

This is the story behind Misnebalam, the ghost town of Yucatán

by Sofia Navarro
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Misnebalam, which means ‘cat tail’ or ‘jaguar tail’ in the Mayan language, is an abandoned hacienda located in the village of Santa María Yaxché, part of the municipality of Mérida, about 14 kilometers from the capital of Yucatán. It showcases the splendor that existed during the henequen boom in Yucatán. Currently, it is known for the paranormal stories that surround it.

In 1920, during the peak of the henequen industry, Misnebalam was home to around 170 people. The families of the workers involved in the ‘Green Gold’ industry lived around the hacienda. However, 10 years later, in 1930, the hacienda began to be abandoned as henequen production declined. Eventually, in 2025, the population was declared as having zero inhabitants.

There are two versions of the complete abandonment of Misnebalam. The first one suggests that a water shortage forced the inhabitants to migrate to more populated areas. The second and more well-known version is attributed to the constant paranormal events that occurred there.

One of the stories that sparked the legends of paranormal events dates back to 1921 when the owner of the hacienda survived a serious assassination attempt on his way to San Ignacio. Luckily, his son was traveling with him and managed to bring him back to Mérida. However, the culprits of the attack mysteriously disappeared and were never found.

After that incident, unusual events began to occur, and the most popular ones involve a child, son of one of the workers, and a monk.

According to the legend, Julián was a nine-year-old boy and the son of one of the hacienda workers. He took his own life by hanging himself from a tree after being violated by one of the laborers. People who have visited the place have reported sightings and cries, which is why an altar has been set up for Julián. Visitors bring him flowers and sweets in order to help his soul rest in peace.

The Monk:
The true story of the monk is unknown. However, horror media outlets have captured images of the figure of a black-dressed monk appearing on top of the buildings that used to serve as a church, usually in the early hours of the morning. Laughter, wandering silhouettes, cries, and strange noises emanating from the abandoned buildings have also been reported in the area.

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