Trying to communicate with a loved one who has dementia can be extremely difficult for everyone involved and can leave both parties feeling frustrated and upset. That’s why it is imperative that you find the right approach that works for both of you.
(Baycroft).- With many different ways you can address communication with your loved one, you may feel like it’s a matter of trial and error – so try not to get disheartened in the process. It’s important to remember that what works for one person with dementia, may not work for another, but each method you try takes you closer to more meaningful communication.
With this in mind, Stewart Mcginn, Managing Director at Baycroft Care Homes, a company that has introduced elderly care homes, designed to cater to the varying and individual needs of all our residents in the UK, has provided some tips and strategies to help you communicate with your loved ones living with dementia:
1. Simplify your language choice
Simplify your choice of language, try to make your sentences more concise and try to avoid asking open-ended questions. For example, ask questions that can be responded to with a simple yes or no, to make it easier for your loved one to reply.
2. A clear and positive delivery
It’s also important to make sure that your speech is delivered slowly, clearly and at a volume that is easy to hear to avoid any confusion. It’s also a good idea to maintain eye contact when speaking and use a gentle and positive tone of voice to help your loved one feel at ease.
3. Be patient
Make sure to give your family member or friend time to respond to your questions, even if they are repeating themselves or taking a while to give their response. It’s important they don’t feel rushed or interrupted, as this can lead to them feeling pressured.
4. Listen actively and rephrase
By listening actively, you will be able to address if your loved one is struggling with the question you have asked. If they aren’t responding, you can repeat the question back to them or try to rephrase the question in an easier way to understand.

5. Acknowledge what they say
Sometimes your family member or friend suffering from dementia might say something that seems out of context to the conversation you are having; it is still important to acknowledge what they have said and encourage them to tell you more about their response.
6. Non-verbal cues
Remember that communication doesn’t have to mean conversation. Sometimes non-verbal cues can mean more to someone than words. This can include facial expressions and hand gestures or physical touch, like holding their hand, putting an arm around their shoulder, or hugging them to provide comfort and make them feel safe and loved.
7. Use visual aids
Visual aids are a great way to encourage communication if a conversation is proving to be difficult. This can include anything from photographs, mementoes, written letters and familiar objects to help your loved one understand you.
8. Create a distraction-free environment
Try to have your conversations in a familiar, distraction-free, and quiet space where your loved one can really focus on your communication. Visual clutter, loud noise or new spaces can be overwhelming and make it increasingly difficult to concentrate.
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