Home LifestyleEntertainment Internet in mourning: K-9 influencer @Cheems passed away

Internet in mourning: K-9 influencer @Cheems passed away

by Sofia Navarro
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Cheems, the famous Shiba Inu who became a legend on the internet due to his memes, passed away this Friday, as announced by his owners on their Instagram account.

In an emotional message, they said that “he peacefully passed away on Friday morning during his final thoracentesis surgery. (…) Don’t be sad, please remember the joy that Balltze brought to the world.

“A Shiba Inu with a round smiling face that connected you and me has helped many people during the pandemic and brought a lot of joy to many. But now his mission is complete. I believe he is freely in heaven, enjoying delicious food with his new friends.”

Cheems, whose real name was Balltze, lived in Hong Kong and was 12 years old. He was diagnosed with cancer last July and had been under treatment since then.

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