With a renewed image, which offers greater comfort and fun for Yucatecan families during these summer vacations, the Hotel Costa Club of the Institute of Social Security for State Workers (Isstey) in the port of Yucalpetén, whose modernization work in resources for 20.5 million pesos were invested, Governor Mauricio Vila Dosal supervised this day.
Vila Dosal, together with the director of Isstey, José Arturo Sánchez Martínez, the secretary of the Union of Workers at the Service of the Executive Power and Decentralized Institutions of Yucatán (STSPEIDY), Jervis García Vázquez and the local deputy, Erik Rihani González, toured the the rooms, the 4 pools, the Great Palapa, the restaurant, the spa and the Ixim Convention Center where he took the opportunity to greet and learn about the experience of the guests.
During the visit, Vila Dosal was explained what the rehabilitation of the hotel consisted of, which opened its doors last July at the beginning of the summer holidays, and where maintenance work was carried out, such as carpentry, windows and electrical, hydraulic and sanitary to improve this enclosure; Also, the entire hydraulic system, exterior lighting and improvement of exterior toilets, as well as general painting and waterproofing, were changed.
The work also included the replacement of various pieces with new ones, such as lamps, toilets, air conditioners, minibars, curtains, towels, sheets, and bedspreads in the rooms; the north façade was rehabilitated, with a view of the sea; gardening was done, and a new irrigation system was installed.
Outside, the 5 pools were rehabilitated and their Venetian mosaics were changed, as were more than 10 palapas, and recreational spaces were reinforced; In the restaurant, painting, waterproofing, renovation of lamps, maintenance of kitchen equipment and provision of refrigerators were carried out, while the Convention Center received general painting, waterproofing and air conditioning maintenance.
Also, the space was equipped with screens, minibars, ceiling fans, washing machines, dryers, curtains and sheets.
It should be remembered that it was last January, within the framework of his fourth report, when Governor Mauricio Vila announced that these facilities would open during the summer of 2023.
The Hotel Costa Club has a restaurant service with capacity for 150 people, a spa with capacity for up to 2,000 people, an inclusive beach, since it has an amphibious chair so that people with disabilities can enter the sea, and the Ixim Convention Center with total capacity for 250 people.
The spa consists of a dining area for 80 people, a wading pool with children’s water games, an area with hammocks, showers and dressing rooms; The opening hours are from Monday to Sunday from 08:00 a.m. to 05:00 p.m. with an entrance fee of 50 pesos to the general public, 35 pesos to beneficiary and 25 pesos for children.
This space also prioritizes the care of nature, which is why the beaches are the official shelter camp for hawksbill turtle eggs, currently in danger of extinction, which works hand in hand with CETMAR 17, which monitors the arrival of the turtles. turtles and protect spawning grounds.
In this sense, on August 2, guests were able to enjoy the first release of 350 hawksbill turtles on the hotel’s beaches.
The Hotel Costa Club has security personnel 24 hours a day to safeguard the integrity of each and every one of our guests.
In addition, it offers different types of rooms, such as the double, with a maximum capacity for 4 people and a price of 865 pesos; double superior, for the same number of guests, to 965; the junior, for 6, for 1,085, and the suite, which houses a maximum of 8 people, for 1,395. These prices are per night and already include a 50% discount for beneficiaries, while the general public pays the full rate.
Regarding the passes, it was reported that until July 30, they will only be available on Saturdays and Sundays, at a cost of 200 per adult and 150 per infant from 6 to 11 years of age, which includes access to the facilities; As of Monday, July 31, this option will be available from Monday to Sunday.
For the season, until August 15, the reservations are already sold out, but, since last Friday the 14th, an agenda was opened to set aside between August 16 and the remainder of 2023.
Mauricio Vila supervised remodeling of Hotel Costa Club in Yucalpetén