On March 25, 1930, the Day of the Incarnation, an arrival surprised the residents of Chihuahua. It was La Chonita – later known as La Pascualita due to the striking resemblance it had to its owner – a beautiful mannequin that appeared so lifelike that many were captivated by its physical charms.
La Pascualita not only had a slender and imposing figure but also truly hyper-realistic details. It had delicate folds in its hands and even cracks in the fingertips that resembled fingerprints. Moreover, its eyes had such a gleam that it gave the impression of being alive and following visitors with its gaze.
According to records, La Pascualita was brought from France by order of Mrs. Pascualita Esparza Perales de Pérez who, at that time, was in charge of a clothing store called La Popular. However, around this mannequin, various stories and legends have been built. Here’s one of them for you!
La Pascualita has become one of the great attractions of the state of Chihuahua and the store where it is exhibited. This fact has given rise to the creation of several legends. Some of them claim that many men have been so impressed by its beauty that they’ve fallen in love to the point of losing their sanity.
However, among the tales told, there’s one legend that is particularly sad. In this version, it is said that the impressive mannequin was actually Mrs. Esparza’s own daughter.
As the story goes, La Pascualita had a very promising future. She was beautiful, intelligent, and kind-hearted. However, death surprised her on the day of her wedding. La Pascualita suffered a scorpion sting that took her life and her dreams.
Faced with such a bleak situation, Mrs. Esparza couldn’t bear the pain of the loss and decided to embalm her daughter to be able to see her until the end of her days – in 1967. Rumors began to circulate about this disturbing action. Despite that, up to the present day, the rumors haven’t been confirmed nor denied.
Over time, La Popular had new owners and, thanks to La Pascualita, it became a place of great tradition. Additionally, it’s said that the mannequin brings good luck to all women about to get married. If they desire this, all they need to do is buy the dress that the mannequin is wearing, and thus, they’ll have a lasting and joyful marriage.
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