Since they obtained the appointment, business activity has rebounded, in La Ermita and Xcalachén -two of the three new Magical Neighborhoods of Mérida- where people welcome the recent appointment, especially merchants whose sales have increased by approximately 30%.
In these traditional neighborhoods improvements can be seen, thanks to the budget allocated by the federation to these sites, especially in their facades.
Aurora Pinto is one of the merchants who stands outside her home in La Ermita to sell some books, as well as a variety of antiques and curiosities.
“It is something very positive (the naming of Barrios Mágicos) because tourism already has new reasons to visit us and buy what we sell. Advertising has been very good for us and you can see more movement in the streets”, he stated.
As a result of the recognition, businesses such as hostels, bakeries and grocery stores have also prospered whose sales, according to the dependents, have also increased as a result of the tourism that visits them.
Another Magical Neighborhood that has benefited from the initiative is Xcalachén, an area in the second square of Mérida known for the chicharra that the families that inhabit it have prepared for generations.
As part of the program, several of Xcalachén’s streets are lined with colorful murals created by local artists. The pieces have also become an attraction for those who visit the neighborhood.
The at least five traditional chicharronerías of Xcalachén have also witnessed the increase in attendance in its old streets and, therefore, it affects the sale of this emblematic dish.
“Of course we have seen the change. Now more people talk about us, especially since they organize the Chicharra Festival. It is no longer just people from our own area who come to buy, but from other parts of the city,” commented a vendor.
The economic benefit generated by the Barrios Mágicos program is evident with every step taken in the benefited streets. Even in the San Sebastián neighborhood, where the Matarifes guild festival was held three days ago.
TYT Newsroom