Home Headlines One dead and two injured after a car crash on the Mérida-Progreso

One dead and two injured after a car crash on the Mérida-Progreso

by Yucatan Times
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A tragic accident occurred on Thursday, August 10th, on the Mérida-Progreso highway, right at the exit to Xcanatún, which left one dead and two injured.

According to the information released, a Chevrolet Aveo vehicle, with two people on board, was parked on the side of the highway, when it was hit at full speed by a Mazda truck.

Due to the excess speed with which the truck struck the Aveo, the car rolled forward and overturned into a green area.

Because of the turns it took, one of the Aveo passengers was thrown out of the interior and lost his life, while the other passenger and the driver of the Mazda were injured.

After the crash, elements of the Ministry of Public Security (SSP), as well as the National Guard, and personnel of the State Investigation Police (PEI) arrived at the scene.

It was indicated that the injured were taken to the hospital due to the injuries they suffered, while the body of the person who died was lifted by Semefo personnel.

TYT Newsroom

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