More highschool institutions will be built in the state

Photo: Gob. del Estado de Yucatan

In an unprecedented effort to bring education to every corner of Yucatan, the State Government opens educational spaces for upper secondary level through the state program “Bachillerato Yucatán”, with which young people living in 28 rural communities of the state will have the opportunity to study high school without having to leave their towns, as part of the transformation to education promoted by Governor Mauricio Vila Dosal.

With this state strategy, 28 communities from 20 state municipalities with high marginality and that do not have a high school institution or that the only existing one is over-demand, will be served in a first stage, creating a more efficient system for those communities.

Thus, the educational offer in the state will grow, opening a total of 3,360 new spaces with the creation of Community State High Schools (Bachilleratos), which will have a capacity of 120 students each and will operate in nocturnal hours. In addition, each one will have one teacher per grade, that is, 3 high school teachers for each educational center.

As instructed by Vila Dosal, the problem of the educational gap and the demands of the population to have an educational service and a school modality in their own community would be being addressed, with which the inequality gap and poverty reduction also continue to be reduced in the state, promoting that all Yucatecans have the same opportunities without exception.

The 28 communities that will be served are: Tesoco, Popolá and Dzitnup, in the municipality of Valladolid; Sahcabá in Hocabá; San José in the town of Tixcacalcupul; Kiní and Ucí in Motul; Chenché de Las Torres in Temax; Yaxcopil of the municipality of Peto; Tipikal in Peanut; Dzalbay from the demarcation of Temozón; the Chicán community in Tixméhuac; Lepan de Tecoh.

Likewise, Canicab from the municipality of Acanceh; Paraíso in the town of Maxcanú; Ticimul of the municipality of Umán; Citilcum and Xanabá from Izamal; Chelem in Progreso and the Sitpach, Chalmuch, Dzununcán, San Pedro Chimay and Dzityá de Mérida police stations; as well as in the municipalities of Dzoncauich, Chumayel, San Felipe and Telchac Puerto.

In this sense, the Secretary of Education of the state (Segey) informed that registrations began on Monday, September 4, to and will be open until Friday, September 15, and the start of the school year will be on Monday, September 18 in the aforementioned communities, so It is recommended to be aware of the official sources on the documentation that is required.

It should be noted that, in order to carry out the “Yucatán Baccalaureate” program, firstly, the police stations and attention municipalities were identified, the Study Plan was designed, the Study Plan Creation Agreement and the modality of the new Educational Service and the hiring of teachers with a degree in education was carried out.

In this way, Governor Mauricio Vila Dosal continues to promote the transformation of education in the entity so that all the inhabitants of Yucatan have the same opportunities to prepare and excel, growing from the bottom up and meeting the needs of those who have less so that raise the quality of life of Yucatecan families.

TYT Newsroom

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Julia September 5, 2023 - 9:18 am
A friend of my younger brother claims that the $700 is little in light of the millions he has donated to Ukraine. Why? She said, "We need it. We don't know why, therefore ds02 that's why. We have citizenship. . . Click the link.......................................
LeviJohnson September 11, 2023 - 9:56 am
As populations grow, the expansion of educational infrastructure is essential to ensure that every student has access to a quality education. This initiative not only addresses the need for more schools but also contributes to the overall improvement of the education system. For students seeking academic support or guidance connects them with, a platform offering a range of assignment-related services. Just as new high schools expand educational opportunities, academic support services empower students to excel in their studies. Building more high schools signifies a commitment to fostering future generations' growth and providing them with the tools they need to succeed, while academic support services contribute to their academic journey's success.
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