There can be hundreds of variations of the same dish in the country, depending on the region you are in, their colorfulness, extravagance and joy, dress each of these dishes.
Chiles en nogada

If you want to celebrate this national holiday, one of the typical Mexican dishes that, in addition to being tasty, enhances the patriotic colors, are the chiles en nogada (chiles in walnut sauce). Many know the story of how the Augustinian mothers of the Convent of Santa Monica in Puebla, upon learning that Don Agustin would be in that city to celebrate his saint’s day, August 28, decided to prepare a dish that would recall the colors of the flag of the Trigarante Army.
But not only this is an ideal reason to prepare it on these dates, but this culinary delight is prepared during the months of August and September due to the fact that walnuts and pomegranates are grown during this time of the year.

This recipe has a pre-Hispanic origin that little by little was combined with the arrival of the Spaniards and the new culture that was formed as a result of this moment. Whether white, green or red; vegan or with meat, pozole is the true king of the holidays because of its wide variety of ingredients.
Something that makes pozole unique is its wide variety of ingredients to prepare and accompany it, which complement each other perfectly. Pozole corn; meat, chicken or vegetables, chili and onion.

This is another dish with totally pre-Hispanic roots, however, this snack has undergone many changes since the arrival of the Spaniards, since they introduced lime to the country, while mayonnaise and cheese are much more recent inventions, for example mayonnaise is a French influence from the 19th century.

Chalupas are popular because of the recipes contributed by states such as Guerrero and Hidalgo, but the poblano ones are undoubtedly the most characteristic. Accompanied by green or red sauce, making them is a ritual that has its origins in the Aztec heritage that was later linked to Basque gastronomy to be prepared in the convents of New Spain.
Mole poblano

It may be one of the most traditional and emblematic preparations of Mexican food and from which a great number of recipes are derived that also distinguish our gastronomy.
Coming from the Nahuatl word “molli”, which means sauce or stew, this is one of the most representative dishes, although like any great creation, its elaboration has several stories, the most popular being that its first preparation came from a convent in Puebla.

Its name comes from the Nahuatl “tamalli”, which means wrapped, its origin is established in the historical accounts of Bernardino de Sahagún, in his book “Historia General de las Cosas de la Nueva España”, where he talks about the preparation of tamales for ceremonies and daily consumption. Tamales are a preparation that has spread throughout Latin America, however, in Mexico is where there is a greater variety of them.
The more than 500 varieties give us the possibility of choosing those that most please our palate and that of our family to enjoy them at dinner.
Tricolor jelly

And as an additional touch, we recommend you to close your menu with a dessert that may seem very simple but can please everyone and is very Mexican. The colors, green, white and red show us the historical process through which our country has gone through and are filled with meaning when assembled in our national flag.
Through this tricolor flag the values, traditions, customs and history that the Mexican people have gone through are represented. It is said that green represents hope, white means unity and red, the blood shed by our heroes.
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