Home Headlines Does Jorge Carlos Ramírez Marín want to run for governor as Morena’s candidate?

Does Jorge Carlos Ramírez Marín want to run for governor as Morena’s candidate?

by Magali Alvarez
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The version that all-time PRI Senator Jorge Carlos Ramírez Marín would be the virtual candidate for Governor of Yucatán for Morena is gaining strength in political circles.

It is true that in electoral times speculation is one of the prominent characteristics of political dialogue and debate.

The possibility that “El Gordito Marín” may become the standard bearer of the National Regeneration Movement in the state is somewhat implausible, although in politics anything can happen.

What would be the effect of Ramírez Marín winning the candidacy? That is the crux of the matter. The imposition of a PRI politician will not be easy, because the Morena militancy allegedly can no longer support an imposed candidate, and even less, a candidate who does not belong to the “Morenista” family.

Morena’s members strongly desire that the next standard bearer of the Movement be a founder. Because there is an urgent need to differentiate the right from the left among the followers of Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

This will not be achieved with a PRI candidate as the standard bearer. It is not a matter of persons, but a matter of identity, representativeness, and congruence.

Yucatecans know the PRI perfectly. The people of Yucatan know what a PRI candidate can achieve as head of the government of Yucatan; they know what they are capable of doing and they know that the basic principle of “do not steal, do not lie, do not betray” will be ignored and thrown away. History does not lie, history speaks and refreshes our memory.

Jorge Carlos is a politician with a great political trajectory. And when I say “great”, I mean that it is not easy to achieve what he has achieved. Being senator of the republic, federal deputy several times, state president of the PRI, secretary of state with Enrique Peña Nieto. It is not easy, but neither is it to praise his time in public service, because his efforts have never been free. If anyone has come out stronger economically in Yucatan and in Mexico, it is precisely “gordito marin”.

Jorge Carlos Ramirez Marin (Photo: Sipse)

Yucatecans know his political history.

That he is well positioned, and that with his poll numbers in terms of knowledge, he can compete with Renan Barrera and even beat him, I don’t know, we would have to see his negatives. Because the polls only show the level of knowledge, but the most important thing is the negatives of the character.

A candidate with a high percentage of negatives never wins an election. The reason is that, his own personality betrays him during the campaign and people start to realize it.

The “wise people” do not go along with this. Anyway, when it comes to polls, everything can be “spoon-fed”, I mean, routed, if not, look at the case of local congressman Echazarreta who out of nowhere has almost 13% of voting intention from a polling company. Nothing credible.

Morena needs a candidate for Governor who has been tested in the territory. A real winner, who in the recent past has had a good time with President López Obrador representing the Morena – Partido Verde – Partido del Trabajo Coalition. Because it is necessary that the wise people identify with a good candidate that projects, reflects and promotes the figure of the Mexican president and maximum leader of the Movement.

The candidate of the Coalition Morena – PVEM – PT, must faithfully represent Morena. A born PRI member, who recently resigned to take office, cannot, not even as a joke, feel, reflect, project and promote Morenismo in Yucatan.

Facing the right wing, which already has a well-defined route and its candidate for Governor in the figure of Renan Barrera, Morena must present a legitimate Morenista representative.

It is a matter of confronting two government projects, that of the right vs. that of the left.

A PRI member does not fit in this formula. Least of all a PRI member like Jorge Carlos.

The requirements for the Morena candidate for governor, man or woman, in Yucatan must be:

1.- That he/she be a faithful representative of the Movement that drives the 4th transformation in the country.
2.- That he/she has competed in the past, heading the Morena – PVEM – PT Coalition.
3.- That he/she has at least a little bit of militancy in the Movement of the 4th transformation.
4.- That he/she has the prestige of a Morenista.
5.- That he/she has won an election representing the Movement of the 4th transformation.
6.- That he/she is known as honorable in the local and national political environment.
7.- That he/she has promoted with transparency and conviction the initiatives, plans and programs of AMLO.
That he/she is willing to compete for the candidacy in a transparent manner, that is to say, without under-the-table agreements.
9.- That the militancy recognizes him or her as a loyal Morenista.
10.- That he/she represents the people of Yucatan and is not inclined to the cupular agreements.

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