In order to strengthen the culture of prevention, improve safety, and thus reduce the vulnerability of occupants and visitors to buildings, the State Coordination of Civil Protection invited the population of the state to participate in the Second National Simulation 2023, which will take place on Tuesday, September 19th at 11:00 a.m.
The call for mobilization to prevent or prepare for possible accident risks, disasters, or contingencies was also issued to all states of the country by the National Civil Protection System of the Government of Mexico to participate in this simulation, the second of the year following the one held on April 19th.
The head of Procivy, Enrique Alcocer Basto, called on public servants, directors, rectors, business owners, and civil protection brigades, as well as residents of buildings and residential complexes throughout the state to register and join once again in these drills promoted and supported by the government of Mauricio Vila Dosal.
He highlighted the growing participation of entrepreneurs and workers, government officials and employees, and industry leaders in these risk and disaster prevention actions, whether due to tropical cyclones, fires, gas or toxic leaks, potential explosions, or other events, which, he emphasized, strengthens the culture of civil protection in the state.
The practice of drills reduces the vulnerability of those who participate in them because if we know how to properly handle a contingency, it is less likely that we will be fatal victims of it, and that is why everyone occupying a building should participate in them, without exception, Basto said.
The public servant invited citizens to continue setting an example of enthusiastic participation in these drills, so he informed that the Procivy website has a registration form available for them to sign up and be part of the event at
Likewise, they can also learn about the #SegundoSimulacroNacional2023 (Second National Simulation 2023) call and register on the website of the National Civil Protection System of the Government of Mexico, an agency that also made available the Practical Guide for Building Evacuation Drills for consultation.
It is important to register on both platforms, as they are complementary, one is curricular, and the other is legal evidence, the official emphasized.
He explained that it is also possible to access the Guide for the Organization and Execution of Evacuation Drills by Procivy free of charge, which can be consulted or saved on the following website:âŠ/guia_para_simulacros…
In all cases, a certificate of participation will be issued, which represents added value as socially responsible public and private entities and individuals, the official said.
He explained that an evacuation drill is the systematic and orderly evacuation of a building, using pre-established routes to predetermined meeting points, which promotes response habits and the practice of emergency protocols.
In addition to having trained personnel in organization, other exercises such as extinguishing incipient fires, first aid, or search and rescue can be carried out, which should be carried out by the corresponding brigades or, if applicable, by the members of the multifunctional brigade assigned to this task.
Although we trust that those responsible for organizing the drills are making their best effort to ensure that the exercise complies with all established parameters for its proper execution, another important objective of their execution is to identify opportunities for improvement in the emergency plan.
The head of Procivy stated that these exercises are important because they can contribute to reducing damage and saving lives in case of an emergency, in addition to evaluating the population’s knowledge of civil protection
TYT Newsroom