741,755 “New Mexican School” textbooks have been distributed to elementary schools in the state of Yucatán, which represents 39 percent of the total received from the Federation; teachers reported that they have not yet used them during class sessions.
According to the Ministry of Education of the State Government of Yucatan (SEGEY), the total number of books assigned to the state was 2,656,455, of which 1,901,935 have already been received, and so far 39 percent have been distributed in schools and school zones.
However, today they will begin to work in the classrooms with the new copies, since according to the teachers this week of the beginning of the school year was a week of adaptation of the minors.
“I have not started to use them, because I was waiting for the children to adapt to the school, since they are first graders, I like them to know each other and me to know them, besides, not all of them have the same level, since some of them studied their preschool in private schools and others in public schools; however, this week we will be putting them into practice so they can adapt,” said Roberto Hernandez, teacher.
They also pointed out that the books of the “New Mexican School” should not be demonized, since they were designed by teachers, so they should wait until they are tested.
“So far I have read them and I don’t see them as bad, of course we have the authorization to use only what will be useful for the child, we are empowered to decide what goes in and what doesn’t, we must take into account that the children of the new generations come with a different perspective than others, they are no longer frightened by explicit words, it is no different from what they see on TV or television,” said Isela Madera.

However, parents are still waiting to see if the children learn with the new method of the educational system.
“For my part I am not as scandalized as other parents, they modified them for a reason and I hope it serves them better, what good is a book full of things from before if they are not going to serve them, we have to update ourselves, like everything in this life”, commented Mónica Cruz.
TYT Newsroom