Tired of not having a response from the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE), around 30 residents of the Juan Pablo II neighborhood in Mérida blocked an avenue in protest.
The neighbors took tree branches, logs and other objects to obstruct both lanes of the avenue, putting public transport drivers, motorcyclists, and motorists who were passing through the place in trouble.
However, the protest was not seen well by other neighbors in that direction, as is the case of those who live in Mulsay de la Magdalena and Xoclán, who would have reported it to the authorities. Moments later, firefighters and police from the Ministry of Public Security arrived and spoke with the complainants, who did not stop expressing their discomfort with screams and complaints.

After a while of exchanging words, the neighbors allowed the firefighters to put out the fire, but they told the officers that they would not lift the blockade until CFE personnel gave them a solution.
The complainants commented that their calls to report have been ignored. They even said that the CFE “blocked” them from receiving their complaints.
The residents have done nothing due to the lack of electricity, which has ruined their appliances, food, and even medicines, such as insulin, that they have in their homes.
TYT Newsroom