A young woman tragically lost her life this Friday, October 27, when she was riding her motorcycle on 59th Avenue in Ciudad Caucel, right in front of the Anikabil park, in the northwest of Mérida.
According to information collected at the scene, the woman, identified as Berenice N, approximately 30 years old, was traveling on Avenue 59 from east to west heading to the Anillo Periférico, when near the park, for unknown reasons, lost control of the motorcycle he was driving and began to zigzag dangerously until hitting the median garrison, which caused his instant death.
The young woman was wearing a red uniform with reflective strips and was probably an employee of a nearby gas station.
Witnesses to the events called the 911 emergency service and paramedics arrived at the site only to confirm the lack of vital signs of the woman, whose body was left lying in the middle of the median strip.
Later, the representative of the Abimerhi company arrived and said that they would take care of all the expenses generated by this terrible accident.
TYT Newsroom