The History of Halloween
To understand the celebration of Halloween in Mexico, it is important to know its roots. Halloween is a festivity of Celtic origin that has become globalized in recent decades. Originally, it was known as “Samhain” and marked the end of summer and the beginning of winter. The Celtic belief was that on this date, the world of the living and the dead merged, allowing spirits to roam the Earth. Over time, this holiday was adapted and became what we know today.
The roots of Halloween in Mexico
Despite being an alien tradition, Halloween has taken significant root in Mexico. It has become an opportunity for fun, creativity, and family togetherness. Each year, the presence of illuminated pumpkins, spooky costumes, and candy becomes more noticeable in the homes and streets of Mexico during the last day of October.
The influence of the Day of the Dead
Halloween festivities in Mexico often combine elements of the Day of the Dead, a traditional Mexican celebration honoring the deceased. Children dress up as monsters, witches, and horror movie characters to trick-or-treat for candy, merging the traditions of both holidays. Some localities even organize skull parades and altars with offerings, creating an interesting mix of cultures.
The evolution of costumes
Halloween is the perfect opportunity for people to get creative with costumes. Over the years, costumes have evolved from simple spooky bed sheets to elaborate representations of popular characters. The diversity of costumes reflects the creativity of the Mexicans who participate in this festivity.
The meaning of costumes Halloween costumes allow people to explore their imagination and assume different identities for a day. Children especially enjoy this tradition, as they can become their favorite heroes or monsters. Costumes also encourage social interaction and fun at Halloween parties.
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