The Municipal President inaugurates the Annual Congress of the Mexican Association of International Studies (AMEI) 2023.
From Mérida we transform the lives of Yucatecan families, focusing our efforts on improving the conditions of all those who live or work in the city through programs in health, entrepreneurship, security, education and public services, said Mayor Renán Barrera Concha, at the inauguration of the Annual Congress of the Mexican Association of International Studies (AMEI) 2023.
“A municipal government can believe that it only paves streets, changes lamps or remodels parks, but in our case we work to improve people’s conditions; to give them autonomy, empower women, provide credit, improve conditions for people who have fewer opportunities, and I think that is one of the great satisfactions I have and how we have sought that international linkage is also a fundamental factor for the development of the whole city,” he said.
Within the framework of this Congress, which was held in the 21st Century and this year’s theme was “Globalization, nationalism, divergence… Where are international relations headed? “Marielle Ávila Storey, Director of International Affairs of the Government of Yucatán, representing Mauricio Vila Dosal, Governor of the State of Yucatán; Víctor Hugo Lozano Poveda, President of the Government and Political Coordination Board of the Yucatán State Congress; and Luis Armando Mendoza Casanova, President of the Human Development Commission of the Judiciary Council, representing the Judicial Power of the State of Yucatán, were present.
In his inaugural message, the Municipal President indicated that this type of meeting provides the opportunity for young people to be updated on the subject of globalization, as well as international relations, which will allow them to grow in their professionalism and apply this knowledge for the common good of their cities.
“Today, as you are about to start a congress where international issues and global concerns will be discussed, it is important that you do not fail to see that the reality, in a large part of our lives, is in our immediate surroundings, which are our municipalities, our states and our countries. That is why when we talk about globalization, it is a term that can be interpreted in many ways from the economic sphere, diplomatic relations, the exchange of international experiences and international aid,” he said.
In this sense, Barrera Concha pointed out that globalization is also accompanied by mundialization, “which for me means that international relations never fail to see the human relations between countries. And that speaks of well-being and speaks of the commitment that must be assumed so that communities can have a better future in their environment”.
Likewise, the Municipal President mentioned that Merida has had the opportunity to present itself in some international forums where various topics of global interest are exposed and in which the Municipality has stood out at a national level.
“We were in Geneva, Switzerland talking about global warming issues. We have also signed agreements with ICLEI and with the Konrad Adenauer, which is this wonderful German foundation that seeks precisely to promote democracy in local governments; and in each of these forums we expose on how our policies have an impact not only locally, but nationally and internationally,” he said.
Barrera Concha mentioned that his municipal administration seeks technical and financial solutions, within the framework of the political will of all parties so that actions can be implemented for the benefit of society.
Also in attendance were Pedro González Olvera, President of AMEI; Hans Blomeier, Director of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation Mexico; Marisol Tello Rodríguez, Academic Vice Rector of the Universidad Anáhuac Mayab; María de los Ángeles Peralta Arias, Rector of the Sistema de Universidades Estatales de Oaxaca; Jessica de Alba Ulloa, General Secretary of AMEI and Absalón Álvarez Escalante, Director of the Faculty of Law and International Relations of the Universidad Anáhuac Mayab.
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