As if inspired by a scene from Dragon Ball, an intoxicated individual riding his bicycle in a zigzag manner attempted to cross between two large trucks but ended up crashing on his own and falling onto the asphalt at the intersection of 25th, 16th, and 18th streets in this town.
It was reported that an adult also known as “Super” was pedaling his bicycle in a zigzag fashion on 25th Street on the evening of Sunday, October 15th.
However, two large trucks were moving slowly, and emboldened by alcohol, the cyclist decided to test his luck and squeezed himself between the two trailers.
Luckily, he managed to avoid a serious collision, but as he contacted one of the truck’s tires, he lost his balance and fell to the ground.
Both truck drivers, who were alert to the reckless maneuver of the irreponsible individual, stopped their vehicles immediately to avoid running him over.
The local authorities were notified, and paramedics were called as well, as it was uncertain whether “Super” had decided with Saint Peter.
After a medical evaluation, it was determined that he didn’t require hospitalization and had only sustained minor scrapes on his face.
His concerned parents arrived on a tricycle to take “Super” back to their home, which was located just half a block from the accident site.
It seems it wasn’t his “Superior” (drinking time) after all, as he escaped a more serious outcome, despite his attempts to challenge it.
TYT Newsroom