More than 1,500 families in Mérida and other municipalities in Yucatán have found a path to security and legality in their property thanks to the “Certeza Patrimonial” program of the Yucatán Housing Institute (IVEY), which regularizes invaded plots of land.
These families, who once occupied state lands without regularization, are seeing positive changes in their lives, said the director general of the institution, Carlos Viñas Heredia.
“The goal of ‘Certeza Patrimonial‘ is to regularize families living on invaded lands, providing them with an opportunity to improve their legal and socio-economic situation,” he stated.
The head of the institution emphasized that there are about 500 families in the regularization process and he stated that no more invasions will be allowed.
“What I have made my top priority is to prevent new invasions. What we are doing is addressing the population that has been in those places for years and has not been properly served,” he explained.
It was reported that this strategy allows for a census to be conducted, identifies those living on invaded lands, conducts review visits, develops an urban project, creates a lotting plan, and works with municipalities for authorization, as well as obtaining cadastral certificates.
He noted that, after this process, contracts are made with the families for the sale of the land, which they pay off over 4 years, and once the payment is complete, they receive the title deeds.
“It’s important to emphasize that we are not giving away land; we are selling it at an affordable price for those in need,” he concluded.
TYT Newsroom