Home Headlines Virtual Wall to fight crime: one of the U.S.-Mexico Security Summit’s main conclusions

Virtual Wall to fight crime: one of the U.S.-Mexico Security Summit’s main conclusions

by Yucatan Times
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The U.S. government does not intend to build a larger wall on its border with Mexico but plans to reinforce the 60 ports of entry to that country with state-of-the-art technology.

Alejandro Mayorkas, U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security, clarified that the commitment of Joe Biden’s administration is to oppose the fence, a policy that will be maintained. This, after hours before the Democratic president confirmed that 31 kilometers of wall will be built in South Texas.

In a press conference after the high-level dialogue on security, Mayorkas clarified that the U.S. Congress had already earmarked resources for this work some time ago; however, the decision was made to use it to improve border technology.

Alicia Bárcena, Secretary of Foreign Affairs, reiterated that the U.S. government’s position is to apply more technology at the border. The budget, she said, should be allocated and executed to reinforce the detection of illegal activities. “We believe in bridges and not in walls,” she assured at the National Palace.

The official highlighted the role of the armed forces in the surveillance and modernization of border limits. “What is being sought is to regularize, to legalize, to do things with order, with technology, with collaboration, and this has been entrusted to the Defense and the Navy, and they have given us all their collaboration,” she said.

The agreements

An international tracking protocol for drug precursors will be created.

The United States will provide Mexico with a monthly report on the flow of arms.

Coordination for the dismantling of human trafficking networks.

High-level bilateral meeting: a virtual wall is promoted.

The U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security, Alejandro Mayorkas, reiterated that the U.S. government does not plan to build more walls on its border with Mexico, but that the 60 ports of entry to that country will be reinforced with state-of-the-art technology.

In a press conference after the high-level meeting on security matters, the US official explained that there had been, for some time, a resource budgeted for that purpose and that the US Congress refused to re-label it to another item, however, the decision was made to use it to improve the technology for the border.

Let there be no lack of clarity. From day one the policy of this administration has been that there will be no construction of walls. That remains our policy and we have never broken it. The action was taken in June, it was registered in accordance with the legal process recently. We had no choice, it was indicated, instructed by law.

We asked Congress to rescind that instruction, they have not done so and we must follow the law. Our policy remains the same as it was from day one, we oppose the construction of the wall,” Mayorkas insisted.

Alicia Bárcena, Secretary of Foreign Affairs, stated that Mexico did express its concern over the issue of the border wall expansion and acknowledged that, during yesterday’s meeting, U.S. officials were clear in pointing out that this is an issue that was taken out of context.

We are absolutely reluctant and against having walls. We have even recognized President Biden’s leadership in not extending the construction of the border wall and we believe it is a great wisdom.

We build bridges and not walls; we reject buoys and wire fences and we ratify our cooperation”, the Foreign Minister pointed out.

She reiterated that the U.S. government’s position is to apply more technology at the border.

The Secretary of Foreign Affairs also highlighted the role played by the Ministry of National Defense (SEDENA) at the border.

She recalled that there are 60 land and river border crossings, over which it is essential to maintain control.

He indicated that, there, SEDENA, the National Guard, and the Navy, which has taken control of the ports, play a fundamental role, since, before, surveillance was carried out by companies or outsourced, with a lot of corruption involved.

What we are looking for is to regularize, legalize, and do things with order, with technology, with collaboration, and this has been entrusted to the (National) Defense and the Navy, and they have given us all the collaboration; it has been extremely positive”, he expressed.

Monthly report on arms will be delivered

U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas announced that as part of the U.S. commitment to combat arms trafficking into Mexico, the United States will provide a monthly report on the flow of weapons to its southern border.

We will share with our Mexican partners a monthly report of the anticipated movement of firearms southward, not only to track our introduction efforts but also to facilitate joint investigations with respect to firearms,” Mayorkas said.

The official stated that through Operation No Trace, 100 percent more weapons have been seized in 2023 than last year, with the final destination being Mexico.

I can’t stop it, says Biden

U.S. President Joe Biden’s administration said yesterday it will add sections to a border wall to curb record migrant crossings from Mexico, in a shift that embraces a signature policy of former President Donald Trump.

Former U.S. President Trump, the Republican Party’s leading candidate to run against Democrat Biden in the 2024 presidential election, who made border fencing a central tenet of his first White House campaign, was quick to claim victory and demand an apology.

Then, the U.S. government explained that the action did not deviate from Biden’s 2021 proclamation, in which he pledged that no more U.S. taxpayer money would be allocated to build a border wall because the money that was allocated during Trump’s term in 2019 had to be spent now.

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