Vila Dosal delivered the State Public Security Secretariat 211 patrol cars and 23 motorcycles that will help increase patrolling, supervision and monitoring throughout the state.
Mérida, Yucatán November 4, 2023.- To maintain and reinforce the climate of peace and tranquility that prevails throughout the state territory, Governor Mauricio Vila Dosal delivered this day to the Secretariat of Public Security of Yucatán (SSP), 234 new units equipped with the highest technology, which now totals more than 2,200 vehicles granted during this administration to strengthen the work and capabilities of the corporation for the benefit of the Yucatecans.
From the Yucatán Siglo XXI Convention and Exhibition Center, the Governor and the head of the SSP, Commander Luis Felipe Saidén Ojeda put 211 patrol cars and 23 motorcycles at the service of the Secretariat that will help increase patrolling, supervision, and monitoring in the neighborhoods, roads and border points of the state; thus providing quick and timely attention to citizens.
In this sense, Vila Dosal also delivered 45 lapel cameras for police elements, which come equipped with 3 multiple chargers, 1 RFID reader, and 1 Dockcontroller model DC-200 FASP.
Before the mayor of Mérida, Renán Barrera Concha and the president of the Business Coordinating Council (CCE), Alejandro Guerrero Lozano, the Governor recalled that the SSP patrols travel 450 thousand kilometers daily and consume 36 thousand liters of gasoline, but, he said, “there is nothing more expensive than not having security and, therefore, this investment in the police generates tranquility and peace every day for Yucatecan families, as well as economic development.”
He highlighted that, as a result of the efforts that have been made since the beginning of his administration in terms of security, Yucatán is experiencing a historic moment that has allowed 2021 to be the year with the greatest economic growth; 2022 is the year where we have generated the most jobs; where we have received the most tourists; the one with the highest foreign direct investment and the highest average salary in our history.
In addition, he specified that his Government has increased the SSP budget so that next year it will be 3,263 million, which represents an increase of 111%. Through the “Yucatán Seguro” program, he recalled that the number of video surveillance cameras was increased to almost 7,000; 219 plate reading arches; a new C5i Monitoring Center; the acquisition of four boats; a helicopter considered the best equipped in all of Latin America; four Black Mambas and armored vehicles.
Before the head of the General Secretariat of Government (SGG), María Fritz Sierra, and the State Attorney General, Juan Manuel León León, Vila Dosal recalled that the Yucatán police force is the only police force in the entire country that offers its elements a salary above the national average, which grew 10% in 2023 and will also grow 10% in 2024.
In addition, he listed other benefits for police officers, such as access to health services for members of the corporation and their families in case of accident or risk of work in private hospitals; quote in Infonavit; the opportunity for their children to have a 100% scholarship for registration and tuition in public and private universities, a benefit that has been extended to the municipal police of Mérida and the State Attorney General’s Office (FGE) and in addition to this is offered a scholarship of 2,600 pesos for food and transportation expenses.
“With the support of the deputies we made a change in the Constitution and the SSP budget cannot be reduced, on the contrary, it has to increase each year at least as much as inflation has increased, and with that, we are at least guaranteeing to maintain what we have today, but it was also important to give autonomy to the State Attorney General’s Office, which will now be independent, will no longer depend on the Governor, that is something that is a reality throughout the country and its budget cannot be reduced either. ”, he stressed.

In that sense, Vila Dosal asserted that, although in Yucatán we are not exempt from high-impact crimes, we are much better prepared to be able to react in time and continue maintaining the peace and tranquility that all Yucatecans deserve.
“Throughout the country, they know that coming to Yucatán to commit a crime is a high-risk mission, because in 98-99% of the cases we have, those involved have been arrested. So, it is not true that nothing happens in Yucatán, what is true is that we have the best police in the entire country,” he stated.
In his turn, Saidén Ojeda highlighted that so far in Mauricio Vila’s administration, 1,538 units have been delivered to the corporation, in addition to 663 vehicles for security work in the state’s municipalities, patrols equivalent to greater security coverage citizens, especially in matters of prevention, because police presence inhibits the commission of crimes, and also means shorter response times in all types of emergencies.
Regarding today’s delivery, the head of the SSP explained that it consists of 170 Amarok Highline-type trucks equipped as patrol vehicles with turrets, sirens, horns, radio boxes, rollbars, bulldozers, stop protectors, set of running boards, interior chamber and lettering; 20 RAM type trucks equipped with bench with seat, structure, structure canvas, interior camera, and lettering.

Likewise, 3 Durango-type SUVs equipped as patrol vehicles. includes: turret, siren, horn, radio box, bulldozer, interior camera, and lettering; 8 automatic Charger RT sedan cars and 10 Sentra type sedans, both equipped with a patrol car with light bar, siren, horn, interior camera, and lettering; 17 Suzuki and 6 BMW motorcycles with turrets, electronic siren, additional battery, radio box, suitcases with support and horn.

In his intervention, Barrera Concha pointed out that due to the coordination between Public Security corporations of the three levels of government and the strategies to reduce the incidence of crime, Mérida remains among the five safest cities in the country according to the National Survey of Urban Public Security (ENSU) of the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI).
“The application of the “Yucatán Seguro” Program is proof that, by uniting wills and strategies of social proximity, the public security forces of the three levels of government, obtain greater results and generate favorable conditions to continue attracting investments to Yucatán and, With this, sources of employment and social peace,” indicated the Merida mayor.
Barrera Concha thanked the Governor for the support received in terms of security during his administration as Mayor of Mérida, as well as for the willingness to continue the safe transformation of the entity and its municipalities.
“The Governor has always been close, attentive, and willing to contribute towards a safe Mérida and a more prosperous Yucatán,” he concluded.
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