Yucatán registers an increase of 167 percent in cases of femicide in the last five years, reveals an analysis of official statistics from the Executive Secretariat of the National Public Security System (Sesnsp).
Although several different women’s groups and civil organizations have expressed their rejection and demanded greater action to stop gender violence, this type of crime shows a worrying upward trend.
Even though the increase has not been constant, as there were ups and downs between 2020 and 2022, the projection is for sustained growth: it went from three cases in 2019 to eight reported so far in 2023, until the November cutoff. The peak was recorded precisely this year, exceeding five homicides against women due to their sex recorded in both 2020 and 2021 and 2022.

According to its definition, feminicide is the murder of women by men, motivated by misogyny and sexism. In Yucatán, the Penal Code establishes that whoever commits the crime will be sentenced to 32 to 45 years in prison and a fine of 1,500 to 2,500 days.
In addition, 13 circumstances are considered that can aggravate the penalty, such as sexual violence, torture, kinship, harassment, solitary confinement, exposure or mutilation of the victim’s body.
When reviewing the statistics of this report, which is fed monthly by federal and state authorities, no pattern was found regarding dates or months with the highest number of cases.
In this year to conclude, for example, two cases were recorded in March, July and August, which were the months with the highest number of incidents. However, in 2022 there was at least one case in the months of January, May, June, November and December, for a total of five. That year, Yucatán was the third State with the lowest incidence nationwide, with 0.47 percent of the cases in the entire country.

In 2021 there were also five cases: in February, May, July, August and November. In 2020, six cases were registered in this national registry: one in January, March, May, June, August and September.
In the initial review in 2019, three cases were found, one in April and two in May. Femicide is a social problem that extends at all social levels and in all entities of the country.
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