Home Headlines Fleet of new Maya Train cars arrives in Cancun

Fleet of new Maya Train cars arrives in Cancun

by Yucatan Times

The sixth unit of the railway arrived on Sunday, December 10th, at the destination from Ciudad Sahagún, Hidalgo, confirmed the governor, Mara Lezama.

The sixth unit of the Mayan Train , made up of four cars, arrived this Sunday morning in Cancún from Ciudad Sahagún, Hidalgo, to currently form a fleet of 24 convoys.

With this, there are already 24 wagons that have arrived at the workshops and depots of the Mayan Train in Cancun , which began to arrive since last July 8.

They were protected throughout the journey by units of the National Guard. The governor of Quintana Roo , Mara Lezama Espinosa, confirmed her arrival through her social networks.

All units are of the Standard model, also known as “Xiinbal” in Mayan , and are part of the 31 units that will be built: 17 with four cars for 230 passengers and 14 with seven cars for 430 users.

According to the Federal Government, the first section of the train will be inaugurated this December 15 from Cancún to San Francisco Campeche and vice versa.

The second stage of the circuit will begin on January 15 of next year, while the third on February 15.

TYT Newsroom

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Jack Tompson December 25, 2023 - 8:09 am

Hi there. Nice article. ( https://www.deepl.com/uk/translator )

Kel Rogers December 25, 2023 - 8:10 am



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