It was in 2002 when the Chinese businessman Wu You Lin, based in Mexico, got the Mexican Institute of Industrial Property to register the rights to the image of the Virgin of Guadalupe in his name.
A few hours before the celebrations for the Day of the Virgin of Guadalupe begin, millions of Mexican faithful are already preparing altars and prayers in their homes, while on the roads leading to Mexico City the pilgrimages with thousands of people can already be seen; faithful Catholics who hope to reach the Basilica of Guadalupe and celebrate this important national holiday.
And the Guadalupana is an important religious symbol that for years has given identity to millions of Mexicans and every December 12 it is celebrated in style, with masses, fireworks and pilgrimages that come to the Marian sanctuary from all over the country.

However, although the Virgin of Guadalupe is a symbol of national identity, the rights to her image were once in Chinese hands, and that is how this seemingly impossible event occurred.
It was in 2002 when the Chinese businessman Wu You Lin , based in Mexico, got the Mexican Institute of Industrial Property (IMPI) to register the rights to the image of the Virgin of Guadalupe.
The man realized that the image was not registered by the Archdiocese or the Church, or by anyone , after a photographic study was carried out in 1998 of Juan Diego’s Ayate , an image of the Virgin of Guadalupe found in the Basilica.
Thus, several copies of the image began to be made and one fell into the hands of the Chinese businessman, who, without hesitation, went to the IMPI and said “it’s mine.” The curious thing about the case is that no one told him anything and they allowed the registration to take place. for which he paid 2 thousand pesos.
In this way, it was allowed to market products and services in class 28, which includes toys and sporting goods.
However, and fortunately for millions of Mexicans, the registration expired after 10 years in the possession of Wu You Lin, so since February 29, 2012, the image of the Guadalupana became Mexican heritage and can no longer be registered. Well, the man of Chinese origin no longer came to renew.
After these events, analysts in industrial law suggested that Catholic organizations register the trademark to avoid the particular exploitation of a symbol recognized by the majority of Mexicans.
TYT Newsroom