As published yesterday in The Yucatan Times, Mexico failed the OECD PISA test, and the OECD reported a significant “fall” in the quality of education in Mexico.
Mexican Education authorities argued that the standardized test was carried out in a context in which students were going through the consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic.
The Public Education Secretariat issued its position 16 hours after the results of the PISA 2022 evaluation were announced in Paris in which the OECD reported the “fall” in the quality of education in Mexico.
The organization indicated that the results were at levels from two decades ago, that is, 2003 and 2006 in the case of reading and mathematics.
The Education Secretariat noted that “the evaluation shows that Mexico presented a smaller decline in mathematics and reading than the average of the countries that make up the OECD. In the context in which this evaluation was carried out, the efforts made by adolescents and teachers reflect the adaptability of our educational system in the face of unusual circumstances.
The statement said that it was necessary to carry out an analysis considering the context of the results of these tests, such as the socioeconomic and cultural conditions of each country to avoid reductionist interpretations and noted that Mexico undertook a “profound process of transformation in its educational system, with the implementation of the Study Plan 2022 and the New Mexican School”.
“This implies a change towards innovative, interdisciplinary pedagogical approaches, such as project-based learning, incorporating all areas of knowledge, including the development of socio-emotional skills”, the statement continued.
“To materialize these changes in the educational system “it is crucial to dedicate time and effort to the consolidation of these changes and apply a formative evaluation model of a continuous, collective, inclusive, and community nature to carry out self-reflection processes that identify achievements, obstacles, challenges and actions to improve”, the statement concluded.
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