Home Feature Movimiento Ciudadano breaks with the opposition bloc in the Senate; Morena celebrates a new ally

Movimiento Ciudadano breaks with the opposition bloc in the Senate; Morena celebrates a new ally

by Yucatan Times
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Movimiento Ciudadano political party broke with the containment block in the Mexican Senate considering that the opposition stopped Samuel García’s campaign.

Dante Delgado, senator and national leader of MC, as well as Emecista senator Patricia Mercado, confirmed that their bench will no longer team up with the PAN, PRI, PRD, and Grupo Plural. “We do not agree with the old politics that they represent and grievances will always have consequences,” said the first. Mercado clarified that leaving the containment block does not mean giving votes to Morena to elect the new minister of the Court.

Eduardo Ramírez, leader of the Morena senators, considered that with this breakMovimiento Ciudadano could join Morena to build qualified majorities in Congress.

Dante Delgado, senator and national leader of Movimiento Ciudadano, and Emecista senator Patricia Mercado, confirmed that their bench will no longer team up with the senators from the PAN, PRI, PRD, and Grupo Plural.

“The containment block is dead,” Dante Delgado said on Wednesday, December 6th, then, he stated, “The PRIAN killed it”.

Also in an interview, Patricia Mercado commented that Movimiento Ciudadano is no longer part of the containment block, but clarified that this does not mean that they will give the votes to Morena for the election of the Minister of the Court.

Asked if the Citizen Movement will not sign unconstitutionality actions again, she said “We are going to see it case by case; There can be that type of adhesions against a cause; facing some proposal. We are not doing it out of pettiness. We are doing it as a political position, because of how the PRIAN truncated the political project of our presidential candidate Samuel García.”

Eduardo Ramírez, leader of the Morena senators, considered that “it implies having the possibility of building qualified majorities with the Citizen Movement, with the Green, with the Labor Party, with Morena and Encuentro Social.

Millions of Mexicans are upset and worried about the future of our country in the hands of politicians who are only seeking to remain in positions of power, instead of thinking about the people of Mexico.

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