174 million pesos requested to adapt Quintana Roo public schools

The Secretary of Education of Quintana Roo requested support from the local Congress to manage an extra budget of 174 million pesos, to address the gap in educational infrastructure in favor of people with some type of disability.

In a letter sent to the board of directors of the XVII Legislature, the head of the SEQ, Carlos Gorocica Moreno, explained that after carrying out a diagnosis through the State System of Educational Evaluations and Surveys they discovered that, of 1,442 basic public education schools, , only 430 have ramps, handrails in main entrances, special bathrooms, etc., to serve the 13% of the student population that suffers from a disability.

Gongora Moreno points out that this delay is due to the fact that the majority of the schools are more than 20 years old, long before the publication of the standard in question.

It also details that the resources used each year in terms of educational infrastructure are insufficient.

This is because 88% is allocated to cover new schools and extensions, and 12% to replace old furniture.

In terms of ramps alone, it is estimated that 7 million pesos will be allocated for the construction of 133 accesses of this type at the preschool level, 156 at the primary level and 28 at the secondary level; while in bathrooms it is planned to invest 62 million 531 thousand pesos in 78 units for preschool, 76 for elementary and 11 for secondary schools.

Another 64 million 470 thousand will be to build 921 complementary spaces throughout the basic level, and 39 million 800 thousand pesos in 796 signage points.

TYT Newsroom

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