Through social media, residents of the Guadalupana neighborhood, in Mérida, reported that a Siamese cat remains tied to a tree in the back of a house, located on 187-B street between 64 and 66.
In the publication that was widely spread on Facebook, they commented that the feline had been tied up like this for several days, outdoors and at the mercy of the weather.
They pointed out that when they pass by the home they can see the cat tied with a rope, without water or food, it is even evident that its health is deteriorating.
They said that the cat’s owner commented that he has him tied up “because he is a stubborn and naughty cat.”
Finally, the angry neighbors indicated that they reported this case of animal abuse to the Municipal Animal Care Center (CEMAA). They hope that the Mérida City authorities will intervene to stop this abuse.
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