The tourist panorama that Izamal offers is very different from other Magic Towns such as Valladolid, according to businessman Gilmer Estrada.
“The Maya Train construction work has helped us a little bit in hotel occupancy and the restaurant area for two years. “Now we expect growth with the operation of the station and the railway tourist inn in Izamal,” he said.
“We hope that more people come to the city. For years we have had the problem of how to get tourism to Izamal. Many people tell us that they don’t come because they don’t know how to get to this Magical Town. With the Mayan Train we hope that a greater number of tourists will arrive naturally,” he said.
Izamal is a passage bridge between Valladolid and Mérida, he acknowledged. “When you see tourist trucks in the morning, it’s because they’re just killing time. They get off for a little while while they adjust their itinerary schedule. It is not a tourism that consumes in restaurants or occupies a hotel.”

Izamal lacks more cultural and artistic events, he admitted. ”When a lot of people arrive, they don’t ‘look’ for what to do in the city. We have ‘videomapping’ on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays, but if you’ve already seen it, what else can you do? “Tourism needs nightlife for it to stay.”
“What tourists ask for most today is nightlife in Izamal. Unlike Valladolid, Izamal is like any town with a normal life. “Everything closes after 9 or 10 at night and those who come to visit ask for nightlife, they want to go to a little bar to have a wine or a beer, they want to enjoy Yucatecan cuisine, they want cultural shows or events that are an attraction” , Gilmer Estrada concluded.
TYT Newsroom