Intending to promote work skills and boost self-employment, as well as business expansion in the south of Mérida, Mayor Alejandro Ruz Castro delivered tools and supplies to beneficiaries of the Productive Promotion for Self-employment program at the Comprehensive Development Center (CDI) of San José Tecoh.
At this event, Ruz Castro highlighted the humanistic and supportive approach of this program, placing people at the center of actions aimed at consolidating Mérida as a strong city with even growth.

“We are happy to provide you with these 15 in-kind support to improve and continue with each of your productive projects so that you can help yourself get ahead in the activities you carry out,” said the Mayor. The total investment exceeds 54 thousand pesos and translates into tricycles, sewing machines, cutters, and various supplies that will diversify self-employment options.

To date, this administration has delivered 1,133 productive supports with an investment of more than 2 million pesos. Ruz Castro stressed that each support represents a person with a desire to improve themselves, supported by a City Council committed to generating favorable conditions for their development.
The director of Social Development, María José Cáceres Delgado, highlighted that these supports seek to provide tools so that people have a decent income and contribute to the growth of their small businesses.
«May the small businesses of Mérida generate more economy»
“We want their small businesses to generate more economy for their families and, above all, to continue growing so that soon they have more options to access other programs offered by the City Council,” said Cáceres Delgado.
Some beneficiaries expressed their gratitude. Rebeca Elizabeth Yama Cauich, who received a tricycle, highlighted that this support will allow her to save money on rent and expand her business selling Kibis. Pastor Alberto Narváez Llanes, the beneficiary of a metal cutter, highlighted the importance of this support for those seeking self-employment, allowing them to have a decent income.

Also present at the event were the Municipal Trustee, Diana Canto Moreno, and the directors David Loría Magdub, of Public Works, and José Collado Soberanis, of Municipal Public Services.
These types of programs, designed to reduce backwardness and guarantee equitable growth, reflect the local government’s commitment to offering equal opportunities for all citizens of Mérida.
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